Anurag and Prerna of Kasauti Zindagi Kay give us some major relationship goals. The duos make a perfect couple and none can beat them. Many a times a separation has come in their way but each time their bond strengthen than previous. ANUPRE for the sake of each other always makes big sacrifices to protect each other from the evil. Now there this quality is already appreciated by the fans. The duos sacrifices are always a worth it. Well, here we will highlight few incidents that will prove Anurag and Prerna is a perfectly perfect couple.

They care for each other the most:

Anurag and Prerna never fails to show care and concern for each other. ANUPRE always goes to the extreme to protect each other from the evil.

Prerna made a big sacrifice by marrying Mr. Bajaj for the sake of Anurag. While Anurag to protect Prerna from evil Komolika took the extreme step of killing Prerna. Later, Anurag revealed he pretend killing Prerna as Komolika has made an evil trap against Prerna to ruin her life. Well, this prove only Anupre can go to any extreme to protect each other from the evil’s.

They can’t hurt each other:

Anurag pushed Prerna down the bridge, this incident filled Prerna’s heart with hatred for him. She misunderstands Anurag’s intension. Post leap in the show Anurag revealed he deliberately pushed Prerna under the water to save her from Komolika. He told how he has fitted his men under the water for her rescue.

Clueless about the intention behind Anurag’s extreme step, Prerna decides to avenge him. She even got an opportunity when Anurag was struggling to come out from the Pooja pandal after fire broke out in the pandal. Than insipte of her animosity with him she tried helping him to come out from the pandal. Well, this both the incident shows AnuPre can never hurt each other.

They feel each other’s pain:

Anurag and Prerna may not say but deep inside the duos feel each other’s pain.

For both of them their family is priority:

Anurag and Prerna has a similarity and that is- the duos love their family the most above anything.

They share a good chemistry:

Without a denial, Anupre in same frame is always a delight to watch. The duos look perfectly perfect with each other.

So these are the few reasons why Anurag and Prerna of Kasauti Zindagi Kay a perfectly perfect couple.

Tell us what made you to fall for AnuPre in the comment section below.

Show Kasauti Zindagi is on break due to the sudden outbreak of pandemic. Before, going on the break show stopped on Prerna and Anurag; both meeting their daughter Sneha indirectly!

Now it will be interesting to watch of Prerna and Anurag will ever learn that their daughter is alive. Time will only tell.

Till than stay safe at home and keep visiting us for more news, spoilers and latest updates.