Apna Time Bhi Aayega Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on Justshowbiz.net
Episode begins with Vikram asks Veer about recipe. Veer says to him that he don’t know anything. Rani overhears their conversation and says to them that still they didn’t start cooking and in this speed they won’t be able to help her and tells them to leave it to her saying that she will cook. Birju tells her to study saying that they will handle it. Veer proves that Rani don’t know anything about cooking and tells her that she can’t destroy her dream for one day cooking and asks her to just focus on her studies only.
Veer, Vikram and Birju starts cooking and Rani studies sitting there. Kiara sees that and asks Veer that what is he doing and scolds Rani for not cooking. Veer says to her that Rani preparing for her exams and he is cooking with Vikram and Birju. Vikram says to her that they are actually trying to cook and it’s really fun and asks her to help them. He gives vegetables to Kiara and asks her to do chopping.
After some time, Vikram says to Veer that food smells so good so it must be tasty too. Kiara tells Rani to go inside with Birju. Rani and Birju goes inside to have food. Jai and Champa comes there and sees Kiara, Vikram and Veer having food. He says to Champa that Rani would have cooked and Veer is angry for not able to help his wife. He decides to enjoy Rani’s sad face and shocks seeing the mess of the kitchen.
Rani says to them that Veer cooks really well. They shocks learning that Rani didn’t cook but Veer, Vikram and Birju cooked. Champa says to Jai that now they has to wash the utensils. Jai says to her that atleast she has experience in that department but he knows nothing.
Later, Rani tells Veer to go saying that she can study alone. He says to her that he has to prepare for his conference call meeting so they can stay together and he can help her also in her studies. She says to him that Kiara is already angry that Veer cooked so now he should spend time with Kiara because they can’t take any risk about her health. Vikram tells them to go out and study so Kiara can’t see them together. Rani agrees with Vikram’s idea and goes inside to take her books.
Champa provokes Kiara against Rani. Kiara taunts Rani and asks her that where is she going now. Rani says to her that she is going out to study. Kiara says to her that she need to take break also in between her studies and takes her to beach.
In the beach, Kiara asks Rani to enjoy the fresh air. Then Kiara insults Rani saying that maid is her identity and her father was also servant so, a servant’s daughter can’t become queen and tells her to not forget that and leaves from there.
Rani shatters recalling Kiara’s words and goes inside. Veer learns about Rani’s insult and promises to himself saying that he will prove that maid is not Rani’s identity. Rani thinks she will fight for herself and her good time will come soon.
Episode ends.