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The episode starts with, Ranav asking Bela what has she come to do her. Ranav calls her Bela. Bela again pretends to be Sophia and asks Rnav if she really had any feelings for Bela? She also asks that if it was only love or was there hatred behind that love. Ranav stares at her but doesn’t say anything to her. Then she suddenly holds Bela’s face and gets very close to her. Then he says that he knows that she is her Bela and she will tell this to him on her own. He leaves her room after that. Bela throws some things away and says that this Ranav’s last and she will kill him today.

Shekhar is taking food for Yamini when Ranav asks what is he doing. Shekhar says that whatever happened wasn’t Yamini’s fault and someone has surely done some black magic on her. Then he asks Ranav that if in Yamini’s place it would have been his love then would he have left her alone to die? Ranav says that it’s ok he understands whatever he is trying to say. He then tells Shekhar that he would take the food for Yamini himself or else Yamini would forced Shekhar to take her out of that tehkhana which they can’t let happen. Shekhar thanks Ranav and hugs him. Ranav opens the door of the tehkhana, keeps the food inside and locks it again. When he turns around, someone calls him by the name Pratham. Ranav wonders who must have called him by that name.

Patali uses a magic mirror and asks it to show her that scene with the help of a locket that Sophia is wearing that dadi asked Bela to wear. Patali sees that Sophia is following Ranav. She says to herself that now she would follow each step of Sophia and find out what is she upto. The lights of Ranav’s house have started blinking so Ranav wonders why are the lights blinking like this. Bela tries to stab Ranav from behind but she fails the first attempt. Patali understands that it is Bela and not Sophia. Bela again tries to hit Ranav between his ribs bur Ranav holds her red hand. She confesses that she is Bela and she has come to take away his life and destroy the Rakshasas. Ranav asks why has Bela come here to take revenge? Bela says that why is he asking Ranav this question when he himself destroyed her life?

Ranav asks him what had happened to her? Suddenly Bela hits a door and there appears Rakshasa Balka who is sitting there with the asiastra. Patali gets shocked to see Balka over there. Ranav becomes overwhelmed to see Balka and hugs him. He tells Balka that he is his son Pratham. Balka is very haooy to see Pratham. He tells Ranav that when he got to know that his brother git killed due to the asiastra he underatood that he would have to protect the asiastra. That’s why he had been keeping it safe. Suddenly Malka arrives and says that he would now take away the asiastra from him. Patali tries to act smart but Balka ridicules her when suddenly Malka attacks Balka.

Balka and Malka have a ferocious fight then Malka hits Balka. Bela thinks that whoever be the right one among the Rakshasas, the Rakshasas must not get the asiastra. Bela runs away with the asiastra when Ranav and Malka fights among themselves. Malka stabs Balka. Malka reaches Bela and pushes her off and says that by sacrificing her powers Bela has done a very foolish job. Malka takes the asiastra. Balka and Patali talk to each other. Patali knew that Ashwath was killed by Deepa but Balka tells her that Malka was the one who ordered Deepa to kill Ashwath. He says that in her quest for power, she didn’t even realize what she has lost. He says that if Malka gets the asiastra today he would destriy the entire world.

Ranav asks Malka to keep Bela away from all of this. Bela says to Ranav that she knows Ranav’s truth and knows that she never loved him and is faking it again. Malka says that before dying he must show them the truth and disguises in Ranav’s roop and tells them that he knows this skill along with Ranav and Balka. They are both shocked to see this. The episode ends. 

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Bekaboo 30th July 2023 Written Update: Would Ranav know Bela’s truth?