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The episode starts with Garimacharya gives her advice to Rishi. Rishi takes blessings from her. Garimacharya praises Rishi to Neelam. Neelam later asks Kiran where is Malishka as they have called Garimacharya to bless Malishka. Kiran goes and brings Malishka. Malishka comes and takes blessings from Garimacharya. Neelam says to Malishka that Garimacharya will do a special Pooja for her then bless her.

Garimacharya ties a sacred thread to Malishka and says to Malishka that this sacred thread will protect her from evil eye. Garimacharya tries to check Malishka’s pulse but she pulls her hand back. Neelam asks Malishka to not behave like that. Neelam says to Malishka that Garimacharya is using her powers to check her baby. Neelam says to Malishka that Garimacharya has the powers to see when the baby is conceived and when will the baby be born.

Garimacharya touches Malishka’s hand and uses her powers. Garimacharya feels something suspicious. Garimacharya announces there is something wrong with the Oberoi family baby. Malishka feels like Garimacharya knows about her pregnancy. Malishka acts like she is sick and leaves from there. Karishma asks Garimacharya why is she saying that there is something wrong with the Oberoi baby. Aanchal asks Karishma to come with her and takes her away from there.

Harleen asks Lakshmi to come and take blessings from Garimacharya. Lakshmi agrees. Garimacharya gives advice to Lakshmi.

Karishma asks Aanchal why did she pull her here. Aanchal asks Karishma how can she ask Garimacharya about Malishka’s baby. Aanchal says to Karishma that Garimacharya has powers and she can see even the things they can’t see. Aanchal says to Karishma that Malishka is not Rishi’s wife so how can they call Malishka’s baby an Oberoi. Aanchal says to Karishma that if Garimacharya told the truth infront of everyone then they would have been insulted. Karishma after hearing it realises she slipped her tongue. Karishma thanks Aanchal for pulling her away from there. Aanchal says to Karishma that they have to be careful about what they speak about infront of Garimacharya. Karishma agrees.

Shalu comes to Lakshmi and says to Lakshmi about Garimacharya and her powers saying Garimacharya can touch a pregnant woman and learn everything about the baby. Lakshmi and Shalu see Rano arguing with the guard. Shalu goes to stop the argument.

The security guard doesn’t allow Rano to enter Oberoi mansion as she doesn’t have an invitation. Shalu comes and asks the security guard to allow Rano into the Oberoi mansion. The security guard allows her. Anushka witnesses all of this. Anushka says to Neel that he can’t come with her. Anushka realises the security guard is new here and decides to fool him.

Neelam says to Garimacharya that she made arrangements for her here. Neelam asks Lakshmi to take care of Garimacharya. Lakshmi agrees. Neelam leaves from there. Garimacharya slips when she walks up a step. Lakshmi catches her. Garimacharya touches Lakshmi and says to Lakshmi she is pregnant. Lakshmi gets worried and leaves from there.

Lakshmi worries about Garimacharya telling everyone she is pregnant. Lakshmi decides to first steal her reports from Rishi’s safe.

Jaya argues with Maya saying no matter how much she tries she will not be able to take her place in Garimacharya’s
Heart. Jaya leaves from there. Maya thinks why isn’t Garimacharya able to see Jaya has become greedy. Kiran witnesses all of this.

Lakshmi comes to Rishi’s room but she doesn’t take the reports as Kiran comes to Rishi’s room looking for Malishka.

Anushka makes the security guards believe that she is wife of Ayush and enters the Oberoi mansion.

Episode ends.