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The episode begins with Shalu talking to herself, determined to find out the connection between Malishka and Balwinder. Kiran overhears her and wonders what Shalu is saying about Malishka and Balwinder. She decides to stay close to Malishka to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Meanwhile, Abhay reprimands Malishka. Kiran intervenes and asks Abhay why he is scolding her. Malishka tells Kiran that she has already shared everything with Abhay and makes a comment about it.

Elsewhere, Karishma and Aanchal see Lakshmi helping an elderly man and mock her. They also notice Rishi smiling to himself while staring at Lakshmi. Curious, they approach Rishi.

Back with Malishka, she tells Kiran that she regrets revealing the truth to Abhay, as he doesn’t understand her. Frustrated, she criticizes Abhay, accusing him of being an unsupportive father who only scolds her instead of helping. Abhay retorts, and Kiran argues with him, asking if he plans to assist them in resolving the issue. Abhay asks how they plan to fix things. Kiran assures him that she will explain later. Abhay remains silent.

Karishma tries to talk to Rishi, but Aanchal requests permission to speak instead, saying Rishi didn’t listen to her the last time.

Aanchal asks Rishi what qualities he would expect from his partner in old age. Rishi replies, “Honesty, loyalty, and so on.” Aanchal then asks if he believes Malishka has ever betrayed him. Rishi confidently says no and asks what Aanchal is trying to say. Aanchal explains that a true partnership should be between equals and asserts that Malishka is his equal, not Lakshmi. She adds that Rishi and Lakshmi come from completely different worlds.

Karishma joins in, saying, “If you want to talk about advanced topics like AI, Lakshmi will start talking about her village!” Rishi, however, surprises them by saying, “If I want to talk about AI, I can do so with anyone. But if I want to talk about villages, Lakshmi is the one I’ll go to.” He adds that he enjoys conversations about villages, especially their traditions, like the story of the black dog.

Confused, Aanchal asks what he means by the black dog. Rishi smiles and tells Karishma and Aanchal to wait and watch as he heads toward Lakshmi.

Back with Malishka, she asks Abhay if he will help her. Abhay agrees, and Kiran tells him they will let him know when his help is needed. Abhay nods and leaves.

Later, Kiran warns Malishka to be cautious of Shalu, as she suspects something is going on between Malishka and Balwinder. Malishka assures Kiran that she will handle Shalu and asks her not to worry.

Malishka then calls Balwinder and asks him to come to the party, explaining that Shalu is growing suspicious. She instructs him to distract Shalu by harassing Lakshmi. Balwinder agrees.

Shalu, searching for the washroom, overhears Kiran telling Malishka that it’s a good thing she hasn’t told Abhay the whole truth; otherwise, he would never understand. Kiran then asks Malishka if she invited Balwinder to the party. She also remarks that she dislikes Balwinder, especially after “that night.” Malishka denies inviting him but insists she will do whatever she feels is right. Shalu, listening intently, becomes more convinced that her suspicions are correct and decides to uncover the truth about Malishka and Balwinder.

Shalu tries to tell Ayush about her suspicions but spots Balwinder at the party and follows him. Malishka calls Balwinder and asks if he came in disguise. Balwinder admits he didn’t and agrees to change his appearance. Shalu grows even more suspicious when she sees Balwinder in disguise.

Determined to find answers, Shalu decides to steal Malishka’s phone to uncover the truth.

Episode ends.