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The episode starts with Lakshmi ringing the temple bells continuously infront of Maata Rani. Rishi comes and sees Lakshmi ringing the temple bells continuously. Rishi tries to stop Lakshmi but Lakshmi doesn’t stop at first but Rishi stops Lakshmi forcefully and asks Lakshmi to tell him if she has any complaints. Lakshmi says she has complaints against him and even against the goddess also.
Neelam says to Virendra and Dadi that if Lakshmi came to this house then the whole house will be separated. Virendra says anything like that will not happen. Neelam says to Virendra that she doesn’t want to argue with him and says if Lakshmi comes here then either he will be insulted or she will be insulted. Neelam asks Dadi how can Dadi call Neelam inauspicious. Neelam asks Dadi why can’t she see Lakshmi’s truth? Neelam talks badly about Lakshmi. Ayush tries to defend Lakshmi but Neelam doesn’t listen to him and says Lakshmi is playing drama. Karishma also supports Neelam in this matter and asks Ayush to shut up.
Lakshmi says to Rishi that the Goddess writes everyone’s fate right then why is her fate like this? Lakshmi thinks her name is Bhagya Lakshmi but there is no Bhagya in her life and complains to Rishi about it. Rishi encourages Lakshmi and says MaataRani only gives them trails who have the strength to overcome them. Lakshmi asks Rishi so doesn’t it matter how much pain does she has to go through to win in those trails? Neelam reminds them that Lakshmi deceived Balwinder then she can also deceive them. Karishma asks Neelam then what can they do about Rishi? Neelam says Rishi has to make a choice between Lakshmi and Neelam.
Lakshmi asks Rishi if she stops winning in her trails then will the Goddess stop giving trails to her. Lakshmi says she always admitted her fate whatever it is and never blamed her fate. Lakshmi says this time she is going to make her own decision and says now even MaataRani has to accept her decision.
Sonal talks to herself about why did Rishi cheat on Malishka again? Kiran asks Sonal what Rishi did? Who he deceived. Sonal says Balwinder didn’t marry Lakshmi and Rishi supported Lakshmi and make Balwinder run from there. Kiran asks who told her. Sonal says Balwinder told her. Kiran asks why she is testing Balwinder. Sonal says he doesn’t have reason to lie and Malishka might know everything as she was with Rishi. Kiran feels worried for Malishka. She calls Malishka. Malishka attends the call. Kiran asks Malishka if whatever she heard is correct. Malishka says it’s correct and Rishi took Lakshmi to his house. Kiran asks her to not take any wrong step. Malishka assures her she won’t commit suicide and tells her she returns home soon and cuts the call. Kiran asks what she has to do. Sonal says slap Rishi and make him come out if Lakshmi’s trao. Kiran says she is just worried for her daughter. Sonal tries to console her.
Lakshmi says she will take the decision. Rishi asks what’s her decision. Lakshmi declares she won’t go with Rishi and asks him to accept it. Rishi says uts not good decision. Lakshmi says she will take decisions of her life and asks him who is he to stop her. She says their is no relationship between them. Rishi says I don’t know about it but I won’t let you take wrong decision. Lakshmi asks why he sat in mandap as groom. Rishi says he wants to stop her marriage as he don’t want her to get married to wrong man. Lakshmi asks who’s he to involve in her life. Rishi says you always saved me and I will do it too and I won’t let you spoil your life until I take breathe. He says he want to repay the help. Lakshmi asks help. Rishi asks her to see the feelings not word. Lakshmi asks him to tell what feeling he is talking about. She asks him to leave and says she don’t want to come. Rishi says she has to come. Rishi and Lakshmi closes each other mouth and says it’s promise at the same time. Both were teary eyed.
Episode ends.