Bhagyalakshmi Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on

The episode starts with Ezhil meeting up with Amirtha . He asks about her well being and asks whether she got permission from her in laws for working with him. Amirtha says that she didn’t inform about their work but has already said that she’s meeting with him. Ezhil asks about her place and she says it’s tanjore. He asks about her husband and she says he belongs to the same place.

Ezhil asks Amirtha to join him from today and she leaves. Bhagya and Iniya visits Principal and Principal praises Bhagya. She asks Iniya to work hard like her mother and excel in her studies. Iniya promises to do the same. Principal calls someone and they pay Bhagya her salary. Principal assures Bhagya to give all the cooking contracts to her in future. Bhagya thanks her for being a great help for both her daughter and her future. Bhagya and Iniya takes their leave. Iniya asks Bhagya after coming out that whether she’s going to home but Bhagya says she’s going for shopping and asks her to go to shop. Iniya leaves.

Ezhil comes to Amirtha who says that she has corrected the script and asks him to check once. Ezhil asks her to wait for which Amirtha says she’s getting late to go to home. Ezhil understands her and asks her to leave. He asks whether she knows why her in laws are strict with her. Amirtha says no for which he days they are just insecure as they lost their son. He says that they fear to lose her too. He asks her to get rid of the fear.

Amirtha asks how for which he says that he has a plan for it. He asks her to leave and she leaves. Gopi comes to Radhika’s house and asks why did she call. Radhika says about checking the documents with another lawyer and everyone said that there’s no problem in documents. Gopi gets scared and asks if she does NH believe him for which Radhika says that she trusts him but except him everyone are saying that there’s no problem in buying the house. She says that she knows that he didn’t like her buying the house from start. She says that she has decided to buy the house.

Gopi pleads her to not take decision in haste and asks her to wait for another opinion with a new lawyer. Radhika stood adamant but finally Gopi convinces her to meet new lawyer. Gopi is upset with Radhika’s sudden pestering. Bhagya comes home with dresses bought from her salary for everyone. Everyone gets delighted. Iniya asks about her for which Bhagya says she didn’t buy for her as she don’t like her choice. Iniya gets upset. Ezhil happily wears it then and there and everyone praises Bhagya. Gopi comes home and Bhagya gives the dress to him too. Gopi accepts it when Ramamurthy asks him to try it. Gopi shouts at them.

Episode ends..