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The episode starts with Sharmila, she reminds Venba that she promised to marry the person she chose. Venba asks her doesn’t people know that she waited for Bharathi ten years and loved him. Whom will marry her after know this truth? Is there any guarantees he won’t questions her character after marriage? Sharmila says that she is talking logic.
Venba asks her to think how will this matter afect her future. Sharmila assures to Venba that she has one solution to this problems. The person whom gonna marry her never question her about her past she don’t need to worry about it. Venba thinks why did she strong in this matter? Is she already fixed the groom?
Later one person bring his wife to hospital in bleeding stare. He pleads with hospital staffs to save his wife. Kannamma send Usha to emergency ward to give treatment to her. She demands her husband to give her details. He asks her to assure him that nothing will go wrong with his wife. Kannamma nods to him and demand him how did she got hurt? He lies to her that Usha slips down from stairs and got hurt. He pleads with her to save her.
Kannamma consoles him and leaves. Meanwhile Bharathi cleaning Usha’s wound and ask her how did she got hurt? Usha lies to him that she got hurt when did she cleaned her house. Kannamma asks her shall she call her husband here? She will feel comfortable but she denies it. Bharathi asks Kannamma to go out without disturbing him.
Kannamma doubts what’s going on? Why did both husband and wife are giving different reasons? Something is wrong here she starts think about it. Bharathi comes out after giving treatment to her. Kannamma stops him to talk with him but he refuses to talk with her. Kannamma shares to him that she wanna talk about that patient. She shares to him that both husband and wife are giving different reasons. Both are lying in it. Bharathi says that there is no need to investigate this matter.
Kannamma says that we can’t able to leave this matter like this. Usha’s husband is showing so much care on his wife but she is scared to meet him. It seems her husband done something wrong. Bharathi mocks at her for blaming her husband thinking all husband only do wrong things. Kannamma says that even some husband too done wrong. Kannamma demands him to enquire her one time.
Bharathi and Kannamma meets Usha alone. He demands her to share the truth how did she got hurt? He asks her to don’t hide the truth. Kannamma advises her stop being slave to their husband and confess the truth. Usha reveals to them that her husband is the reason for her wound. She narrated to her that they done love marriage. He uses to stay in home and never go out for job. He used to create issues in his working place so no one give job to him. She is a speed Tamil typist. Due to her hard work she learnt some amount.
But her husband feels inferiority complex seeing her earning. He starts suspecting her and insults her character. He beaten her after drinking that’s why she was hurt. He threatens her to don’t share this truth to anyone or else he will harm his kids. Bharathi advise her to stop sacrificing everything for her husband. Meanwhile Bharathi confronts Usha’s husband and lashes out at him. He talks with him in threatening way and insult Bharathi for poking his head in his family matters. He asks him Is she seduced him too?
Bharathi fights with him and question him? He complaints that suspecting his wife is disease. Kannamma lashes out at him. He asks her after all she is an woman what can she do to him? Kannamma gives fitting reply to him and brings police there. Bharathi gives statement against him there. He pleads with Usha to save him but Kannamma demands Usha to don’t fall for his sugar coated words and give statement against him. Police takes her husband from there. Usha thank Kannamma for her help.
Episode end.
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Bharathi kannamma 27th April 2022 Written Update: Bharathi is Heart broken