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Today’s episode started with Day 45 at 9 PM: Mannara says to Munawar that Ankita is fighting for small things. Munawar and Mannara argue with each other. 

11 PM: Samarth asks Anurag why he took Munawar’s game. Anurag says Munawar thinks his game is perfect; thus, he nominated him. 

Rinku advised Neil to stop being others’ godfathers.

12:30 AM: Munawar asks Mannara that when he sits with her, she should not instruct him. Manara irritates Munawar. Sana, Munawar, and Mannara discuss the game. Mannara complains that Munawar doesn’t give her time. Munawar defends.

Ankita tells Anurag that Mannara is getting negative towards her for no reason. She asks Anurag if Mannara is his friend and if he should stand up for her too. Anurag agrees. 

Day 46 at 8 AM: inmates wake up to the BB Anthem.

12:46 PM: Arun asks Khanzadi if Samarth shouldn’t rap with her. Khanzadi says Samarth has changed; maybe Isha has instigated. Ankita speaks against Samarth and Isha. Vicky asks Ankita to stop instigating Khanzadi.

Neil shares with Aishwarya that he wants to trigger Vicky’s fear. 

Sana mocks Khanzadi for not performing the duty. Khanzadi gets emotional. She asks Arun, Anurag, and Ankita not to talk with her. Khanzadi says all were laughing when Sana was getting personal.

3:15 PM: Ankita calls out Khanzadi. Khanzadi gets emotional. Anurag and Ankita consoles Khanzadi. They motivates Khanzadi.

5 PM: Bigg Boss asks inmates to gather in the garden area. 

Abhishek asks Khanzadi to share if she wants. Khanzadi says she wants to go home. She gets emotional.

Arun and Sunny inform Khanzadi that Khanzadi wants to go home; thus, she refuses to join the task.

Bigg Boss asks inmates to leave Khanzadi and gather in the garden.

Rinky read Smith & Jones sponsored task. Sunny and Arun become the judges. Bigg Boss gives Ankita a chance to choose a partner, as Khanzadi refuses to play the task. 

Mannara and Munawar team up against Vicky and Ankita. Arun and Sunny make Munawar and Mannara the task winners.

6 PM: Aishwarya asks Khanzadi to wake up. Mannara, Rinku, Neil, and Samarth console Khanzadi.

Mannara tells Neil, Rinku, Munawar, and Aishwarya that Arun and Sunny fear Vicky thus making him the winner.

Mannara says she wants to go home. Neil asks Mannara to take the game seriously. Rinku agrees with Neil. Munawar asks Mannara to stop sitting with Anurag and Khanzadi. Mannara defends herself. She confesses that she is getting irritated. 

Mannara gets adamant about going home. 

7:30 PM: Bigg Boss asks Khanzadi to call Neil. Neil takes Bigg Boss’s call. Bigg Boss gives Neil an opportunity to distribute the ration. Khanzadi refused to take part in the task.

Neil discussed it with the inmates. He says he will not share his individual ration. Abhishek asks Neil and Aiswarya if they need help. Aishwarya refused to take the help. Abhishek says Aishwarya has too much attitude.

7:45 PM:  Mannara gets offended with Abhishek after he comments that she ignored Anurag and went with Munawar. 

Mannara abused Abhishek in front of all.

Abhishek asks Anurag to make Mannara understand. Anurag asks Abhishek to sort out his own matter. Abhishek would confront Munawar if he said anything to Mannara. Munawar and Abhishek fight with each other for Mannara. Abhishek says Mannara is tiggering him. Munawar tries to defend. Abhishek asks Munawar to take a stand for him against Mannara. Munawar says he can’t dictate to him.

Ankita tells Vicky that she can’t trust Munawar anymore. 

Massive fight between Abhishek and Mannara. Vicky and Ankita discuss Munawar.

Ankita says she doesn’t want to be Munawar’s third wheel. Vicky understands Ankita. Ankita asks if she wants to cut off Munawar and Mannara from her life.

Verbal argument between Abhishek and Mannara. 

Vicky says to Ankita that the one who is playing a game can’t make a solid relationship. 

Abhishek asks Mannara not to abuse him. Munawar asks Mannara not to use abusive words. Mannara argues with Abhishek

8 PM: Neil discusses ration with Rinku and Aishwarya. Abhishek says Mannara is trying to talk, thus poking him. Vicky, Ankita, and Anurag hear Abhishek. Vicky asks Abhishek not to ruin his relationship for the third wheel.

9 PM: Abhishek and Munawar sort out their issues. 

9:15 PM: Neil distributes the ration. Everyone praises Neil.

10:15 PM: Rinku and Munawar discuss Mannara. Munawar says Mannara doesn’t know how to forgive. 

Munawar asks Sana to ask Ankita to clean up the blinder. 

Ankita complained to Munawar for not taking a stand for her.

12:30 AM: Vicky tries to explain his situation regarding the nomination. Neil asks Vicky not to explain anything.

12:45 AM: Isha tells Munawar that Samarth treats her badly in front of others. Samarth ignores Isha.

1 AM: Abhishek asks Isha he hopes Samarth doesn’t have any issues with them. Isha says Samarth is taking things lightly. Samarth tells Abhishek that he doesn’t understand why Isha isn’t communicating with him directly.

2:45 AM: Isha requests Samath to sleep inside. 

Mannara asks Anurag to sleep with her, as she is feeling lonely. Anurag and Mannara discuss the game later.-Episode Ends

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