Bigg Boss 18 Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on
Day 63
07:00 PM
Chum says that she is huge player than Karan and she don’t want to get Dirty anymore.
01:00 AM
Shilpa says that Bagga Drama is done. Chum says that she don’t like it when she is Fighting with her Group because others are going to Enjoy it. Shrutika tries to clear her Stance. They both Hug and make up.
01:30 AM
Avinashy tells Shrutika that he is happy that she is becoming Famous and others are nominating her. He is tells Karan that the Show has become his Now and he has almost Won the Show Already. He says that he has kept in a lot of mental strength but she is still here. They Laugh at his words.
Day 64
09:00 AM
The Contestants Wake Up to the Song and Dance to the tune. They Wish Bigg Boss and Each Other Good Morning.
10:00 AM
Chahat says that Avinash us fooling someone. Avinash tells Eisha that some one may like him and some one may not. Eisha tells him that she don’t understand what’s going on. She says that she is Missing her Parents. She says that she is getting Hatred.
Chahat asks Karan to say something while he says that he clearly have a Name and he has Saved his People and same goes to him. Bigg Boss said nothing about it.
02:15 PM
Karan says that he wants Two Babies and he already have Two but then he will be locked about it because he will be called Grand Father.
09:30 PM
Vivian tells Shilpa that she has run away from things while she tells him that she has not run away from anyone or anything. He tells her that she says they are equal and he wants to know why he was ignored and dropped out in the middle. It was a moment of shock and he has no problem but she has made her choice clear. Shilpa apologies to Vivian for making him feel Bad.
Shilpa tells him that she will always choose Karan over him and Vivian says that it means that she is against him. Karan comes there and joins them. Vivian Leaves from There.
11:00 PM
Eisha asks Vivian whether he had a conversation with Shilpa to which he agreed. Karan tells Shilpa that her young Son has Left from there while she tells him that she won’t hire anything from him.
Eisha tells Vivian that he had his contribution in it and Vivian says that something’s has happened from his side that shouldn’t have happened.
12:45 PM
Eisha tells Avinash about it to which he tells her that he wanted Vivian to come strongly out of it but he doesn’t seem to be doing it. Rajat says that there are Two Groups here and they shouldn’t Hate each other because they will become The Target.
Day 65
09:00 AM
Vivian says that Karan was trying to Benefit his Friends and asks her to talk with Karan. Yakini tells Karan that she wants to apologise to him for getting Off and she was hyper about it. He lets it be.
12:15 PM
Yakini says that she wants to say what has happened and says that a thing has happened with Karan and the mutual Name was Sara. They decided to Save whom they wanted to and they let Go of Sara.
12:30 PM
Yakini asks Sara not to feel Bad and cry about it but she was alerting her from The Beginning and this is what has happened.
01:15 PM
Chum asks Karan whether he Trusts her to which he says nothing while Shilpa tells her that he trusts her and asks her to trust her. They Laugh about The Nomination. Eisha Helps others in The Kitchen. Digvijay and others Laugh at Eisha.
04:00 PM
Everyone Praises The Food made by Eisha. Bigg Boss calls Rajat and says that his Place us somewhere else and calls him. He is locked behind Bars. He says they are going to attack each other. He says that they should have opinions about Relationships and Each Other.
Bigg Boss says that the nomination is going to begin according to The Opinions and Rajat is going to Trap them. He says that he is going to save them by Trapping them in The Trouble. He says that he is going to be with his Liked One and his Favourite will keep on changing like himself. He says whoever is called is going to be not nominated in that Round.
Shilpa Begins it while Rajat Saves Sara for that moment. Shilpa says that she is going to nominate Bagga and says that he had weird thoughts that they are Sitting in The Corned and sane is happening with him. She also nominates Eeden.
Digvijay comes there and nominates Vivian. He says that he does not like Vivian and he wants him Gone from There. He then nominates Eisha and says that she is not the right person.
Chahat cones ahead and Rajat chooses to Save Avinash. She also nominates Vivian. She says that he was watching The Fight going on and he was only concerned about Eisha. She then nominates Eisha. Eisha and she gets into an argument.
Rajat Saves Eisha as Yakini comes forward and she chooses Bagga because she is not understanding his Game. She then Nominates Eeden because she is not understanding her.
Chum comes forward and Rajat Saves Eisha. She Nominated Sara and she was disturbed. She then Nominates Kashish. Bigg Boss makes Fun of Shilpa. Kashish Nominates Digvijay and then Chahat because she is very Hateful.
Avinash Comes Forward and says that Mummy Drama is going on and Vivian and Karan are not going End it. He says that he wanted to nominate Vivian about the same issue. He says that Vivian and Karan are not going to let it End. Karan Whistles at The Twist.
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