Bigg Boss OTT Written Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on

Day 25

08:00 AM

The inmates wake up to the song Paisa. Moose dances on her bed. Neha hugs Raqesh. Nishant dances in the garden. Moose dances with him.

08:45 AM

Raqesh hugs Shamitha from behind and tries to console her. It tells her that they both are going through many things and he was behaving immature. They both hug each other as he says he felt bad. Shamitha apologises saying if she controlled him. He tells her to smile as it’s his birthday. Shamitha asks him to accept her the way she is. Raqesh hugs her ahd tells her that they both need to accept each other the way they are. He tells her that he will try to understand her. He places a kiss on her cheek. Raqesh asks her what does she have for his birthday and asks her to be happy. They both apologise to each other. She places a kisses on his cheeks ahd wishes him

12:00 PM

Divya says that no one is cleaning. Neha saya she is cleaning with Shamitha. She asks her to ask Akshara to clean as well. Pratik tells Moose to clean lawn with Akshara. He says that people are thinking that they are working for others. Pratik says the attitude is not right. Akshara says he is no one to tell her. Pratik says he has seen how she flips. Pratik says she doesn’t wake up on time. Millind says he will do the chopping. Akshara says no one can make her work by ordering. Pratik asks her not to talk or do anything. Pratik joins his hands infront of her.

12:30 PM

Nishant says to Neha that she has come forward and finally caused rift between two friends. He says that he won’t let her win. Neha calls herself a bijli bomb.

01:00 PM

The song plays in the house. Divya ahd Moose dance. Nia enters the house and dances. Nishant joins her in the dance. Divya hugs her. She meets everyone. She calls Pratik handsome. Nia tells Divya that she is hot and people are loving her. She calls Shamitha beautiful and huga him. She wishes Raqesh Happy Birthday and hugs him. She asks everyone to sing birthday song. Nia tells Raqesh that there is no more like him and they should protect him. Nia tells Pratik that he is very cute, hot and good looking. She tells Moose that she is cute ahd her friend likes her. Bigg Boss welcomes Nia and says she is the boss lady. Shamitha asks her whether she is going to stay to which Nia says she is the new contestant in the house. She appreciates Divya. She says that everyone thought she is going to connect with Pratik but she will connect with Divya if she gets a chance. She says she can pause, fast forward and rewind whenever she wants.

01:15 PM

Nishant laughs while working in the kitchen. Neha saya he can’t make connection with her. Pratik says his fingers are shaking. Nia tells Akshara that she us cute in real. Pratik says that nia is hot.

01:30 PM

Nia says that she has seen everything and she will talk with Raqesh alone if Shamitha us okay with it. She says she is okay.

02:15 PM

Nia says that fifteenth season is here and no one has done anything. Whatever they are doing is short formula. He says that everything is seen and whatever is not organic is not organic. She says about Pratik and Neha. Neha asks Pratik to not to fuck with her. She says that he is looking at her with different gaze after Nia has come. He says that he can be friends with her. Nia tells Raqesh that he has more to him. She says she wants to know what Raqesh is. She says that he is only in that cocoon and he is no where to be seen.

02:15 PM

Moose asks whether Nia is scared about anything, she says that she was scared that may be she will be targeted. Nia says she is savage but she is only seeing a cute girl in her. She says that she is behind Nishant and asks her to change her game. Nia says that Nishant likes her and don’t try to over power her.

02:30 PM

Pratik aaks Nia what’s happening. She says he is good and how many praises he wants to hear. She says she liked him before but with Neha he has become different. He is prepared for the game abd she was scared of Divya and people were liking her game. Pratik saya for now she is real and they are comfortable. Nia says that he is getting over powered by her. Pratik explains his point of view. Nia asks him whether he is sure that he is not getting used.

03:30 PM

Akshara tells Pratik that it is hurting her. Akshara tells him that nothing will go in one minute. He says that she is not moving while he id taking to her with respect. They both argue. Pratik slaps himself.

04:00 PM

Divya reads that Bigg Boss says that now he is giving them a task where they can become captains. It’s Nia ka Raaz. They should do something and win her heart. Nishabt and Moose doesn’t have to participate as they are already in the race and Divya can’t participate. Whoever has more coins will be the winner. Nia asks Divya what she should make others do. Nia sits on a sofa in the garden. Neha and Pratik come to her. Nia asks Pratik to give massage to her. Nia says that he wants all the points that’s why he is doing this. He says he has already become captain and and she just wants to win her heart. Shamitha comes there and says her partner can draw the tattoo. Neha massages Pratik. Pratik moans. Shamitha closes her ears. Nia gives coins to them.

04:30 PM

Nia says that it’s Raqesh’s birthday and they should listen to him. She says she wahts to know all of it. Raqesh says when the show was offered to him, he didn’t know how it will go. He says that he got connected with many and with very less people he got connected for real. He is most misunderstood and they are right whdn they said he can’t understand the show till it ends. He requests them not to do it as he has learning disability. Nia asks about Shamitha to which he says Shamitha has clean heart and she doesn’t understand grey as she is black and white. She asks him to be her grey. Nia asks about his feelings to which he says he genuinely likes her and they will be connected after the show. He says that he would have never connected with anyone like he did with her. Nia gives him the coins.

05:15 PM

Akshara and Millind sit infront of Nia and they both pretend to cry and says they donr have any home. Nia laughs at their acting. Millind asks her to keep in work. Millind jokes about Shamitha’s gluten free food. Shamitha laughs. He takes out a egg and jokes about it. They all laugh. Akshara and Millind hug each other. He calla Shamitha Sister in law. He keeps on joking making everyone laugh. Nia rolls on the floor laughing. Nia appreciates them and hugs them saying she is very impressed. She gives them the coins.

05:45 PM

Moose says that she doesn’t really like that he was joking about nomination. She says she wll take it as a joke and doesn’t understand he is genuinely hurt.

06:15 PM

Pratik says Neha will perform. Neha says everyone says that they are honest and many things and the one thing they get always is entertainment. She says that Raqesh knows how to make Pratik make tea. She says Shamitha waits for him to complete talking. He is soo cute that ladies let him sleep on their beds without them. He loves his tea and stays with it all the time. And whenever he comes to fight Bigg Boss asks him to sit at his place. He says that he knows how to play with girl’s emotions. Neha then pretends to be Shamitha and Shamitha and everyone laugh at her act. She says Shamitha washes all the dishes. She then pretends to be Divya making everyone laugh. She says Divya loves her stylish. She walks in a funny way. Divya says her attitude changes with her dress. She says to Shamitha as Divya that Raqesh was behind her but then she trapped in her heroine trap. She says that her lipstick is in Raqesh’s pocket and his heart is with her. Nishant and everyone cheer for her. Divya says she liked it. Neha then pretends like Moose and dancea singing on her rap. She then shouts Nishu is hers. Everyone claps for her. Raqesh hugs her. Nia appreciates her and gives her coins. Divya and Neha hug each other.

07:00 PM

Raqesh is sitting with Nia and asks her what colours does she likes. He draws tattoo on her hand. Shamitha brings juice to her. Nia appreciates her.

08:30 PM

Nia says the coins will go to the pool and they should protect them. Raqesh lifts Shamitha up on his shoulders. He twirls her around. Nishabt says that’s romantic. Akshara and Nishant learn dancing. Bigg Boss says it’s time for report card and says that the audience is happy with their performance hence there won’t be any effect on their next day. Bigg Boss wishes Raqesh. He says there is something for him in the store room and asks him to bring. Millind saya he has written something and says they are hypocrites. We support depression but then make fun out of it. Raqesh brings his cake from the store room. They get excited seeing the cake. Raqesh says it’s from home. They sing birthday song for him and he cuts the cake. He feeds first to Shamitha.

08:45 PM.
Nia says that she doesn’t know how many she has given to him. She dances with Raqesh. Nia appreciates him. Millind and Akshara sing a song for her. Raqesh traces Neha arms trying to take the bowl. Pratik hugs Nia. Raqesh and Shamitha stay in the hug. Millind keeps on rapping. She gives coins to Millind. Neha tries to snatch Shamitha’s and Raqesh helps Shamitha while Pratik stops him. Raqesh tries to take Pratik’s bowl. Shamitha asks how many dif he take to which he says he took only one. She chases him. Neha tries to stop her. Millind helps Shamitha. Pratik hurts himself while running. Neha jumps into the pool. Shamitha runs to take Akshara’s to which Millind stops her. Raqesh runs to Pratik. Neha again jumps into the pool.

09:15 PM

Millind dances like crazy trying to impress Nia. Nishant calls him a Monkey. Nia gives coins to him as well. Pratik again hugs Nia and makes her stand on his feet. Millind says he will write love letter now. Shamitha rubs everything he has written on the floor. Nia says that she is gonna miss them all.

10:00 PM

Shamitha moves her waist to which Neha praises her flat tummy. Shamitha says she is very exhausted and can’t take it anymore. Nia throws the coins and Millind and Neha jump into the pool. Nia says everyone has played the game and she has given them fairly and she has no coins anymore.

10:30 PM

Pratik says he counted and she didn’t count. Nishant says that they have discussed and to make Millind and Akshara loose they may share.

11:30 PM

Nishant asks Raqesh and Shamitha to hide the coins under their beds. They keep the coins. Shamitha says she is hurtihg to which he says once she lifts the trophy her pain will disappear. Nishabt says it’s very difficult to wake her up.

01:30 PM

Raqesh asks Shamitha as to what happened to her. Shamitha says that he was soo rude. He says that he didn’t like that smell. He asks her to say something. She tells hin that he should have been polite. He asks her to be like that to which she says that she can’t be rude. She says that she feels like he is trying to show her low and show her wrong. He asks her to be like her. Shamitha says she is done and she will back off. She says that she is not going to understand it as hr made a scene for cream. She says that she is fed up and he makes her feel like she is torturing him.