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The episode begins with Karan entering the stage. He promotes the sponsors of the show and says that some are becoming teachers teaching others how to play the game and now they will take their class. The camera shifts to the house and he greets them for Teacher’s day. They greet him back. He says that Viewers will ask them the questions. A viewer asks to Akshara as to what does she mean when she said that Neha is here to feel bodies. Karan asks Akshara to explain and she justifies her words and defends herself by saying she was not the first to start. Karan asks her it doesn’t matter and she was the first to start. He asks Neha who says that she has let it go. He says that she did but the audience didn’t let it go and they are getting letters and comments and the audience are questioning his hosts. Neha says that her twebty years got effected after these words and she has been like this from the childhood. He says whatever she has done is questioned. She says what her mother or her husband would have thought and how hurt they have been. Neha says that it is not her problem that Pratik got connected with her and nothing should be gender specific. He asks Akshara who says that she has always used the same words. Akshara keeps her hand on her heart and says she has never been judgemental.

Karan asks if not then why did she say that Neha is here to feel the body. Akshara says that she has gone through a lot just like her. She should think about the thought of the person infront of her. Karan says whatever Akshara and Millind has said is recorded in the camera and is taped. He tells Neha that from the time he has stepped into the industry, he has always been different. He has been like this and will stay like this forever. He won’t change. His heart knows what he is. Next comes a person who asks Akshara that she has said that Pratik is from reality show and he is using Neha then why she denied to answer. Akshara says that the situation was different then. She says that they were loud and that’s why she didn’t answer. Pratik says she is giving justifications. The audience are watching and she should own up to her shit. Akshara says that she has said those words but it was exagerated. Pratik says that why would the customer lie. Akshara says that Neha is popular and Pratik is from reality and why should she answer. Karan says it means that if someone raises their voice then she will lie. Karan asks Neha what was Akshara whispering in her years to which Neha says she has asked her to play with dignity. He asks Akshara whether she meant Neha was undignified.

Akshara denies. Neha says that in the task also she has said that she can’t become human leave about artist. Karan asks Akshara what does she mean. Akshara says she got angry just like they did. Karan says that Pratik and Neha also has right to question. She says she won’t answer to them. Pratik says he was being defamed. They again argue to which Karan says he is done. Next viewer who asks her as to what does she meant when she said that Neha sits opening her legs and how can she say such word being a woman. Pratik claps. Akshara justifies her words. Karan says that he has seen the footage and she has never questioned others when they sat infront of her. Karan says that she has gestured with her hand as well which he is embarrassed to say. Karan says no culture says such words. Karan says it doesn’t mean she can say anything out of anger. He says that he was not fighting with her but still she has said that words. And she was fighting with Divya. Karan says that it’s third question for her and she behaves like she has forgotten them and defends them. Karan says that she has said that she knows nothing but open her legs. Karan says she didn’t say sit. Akshara apologises. He asks Divya whether she didn’t find it derogatory and she is a self made woman. She says that she calmly asked her. Karan says that she has said that it was wrong to Zeeshan but didn’t say to Akshara. He says that she raises her voice whenever there is something wrong but she being a woman when Akshara said such words to Neha.

Divya says that if she doesn’t like someone then she raises her voice. She asks him to listen when he talks in between. Divya says she is not here to give personal behaviour classes. Divya says Neha, Shamitha and her know what is wrong and right. She says that with the innocence she says it’s obvious that she was never taught. Shamitha and Neha say she is saying excuses. Karan says she was quite because she didn’t like Neha. Divya says that it was a petty thing. Karan says it’s not and she should know that. He asks Shamitha who says that she reacted immediately because she found that cringe. Shamitha says one shouldn’t talk like that. Karan says that it doesn’t matter whether they are friends or not but they should stand for right. Next viewer says that her question is for Raqesh. She asks Raqesh to thank him because she is pushing him instead of fighting. She asks whether he would have gone ahead if it was someone else. Raqesh says that he has thanked Shamitha hugging her yesterday. He says that he will thank her in and out of the show. He says that he is grateful that Shamitha is with him.

Karan says that he has already written what he would answer and reads whatever he has said. He says that they already know whatever he would say. Karan asks him not to worry and he gives thousand percent for consistency. He asks him to answer the question what if someone else is in Shamitha. Raqesh says hr would have been on same page with Neha. Divya says that she can make connection with anyone in the house. Karan says he will come. Divya says Raqesh was her first choice. Divya says it would have been different if she would have been with Raqesh. Shamitha asks whether this Raqesh is someone else. Karan asks to move on. Next comes a viewer who asks Pratik that from the time he has become Neha’s connection he is not liking him and he is not seeing the earlier Pratik who was not defensive and would take decision with heart. He says that he is an individual and should have his own game. He wishes for him to play game and not get defensive. Karan says he is really his fan. Pratik says that Neha has said that he can do whatever he wants and her decision will be hers. He says if she has supported then he will support her. He says he never plays back foot. He asks who thinks that Pratik is playing on back foot. Moose, Divya and Akshara raises their hands. Moose says that Pratik is her friend and she did see him as more strong and his connection was better with Akshara. Karan says that she took their connection very personal. Moose says that it took her a while but now she has kept emotions aside. He asks Divya who says that the Pratik she knew us not like this and he plays safe. He asks Akshara who says that they have to keep efforts for the connection. She says Pratik dances to the notes.

Pratik says that the God has not sent their connection. And how is this wrong if Neha shows her the right path. He asks Nishant who says that their connection is not fake. No damage has happened with Neha’s entry but when it comes to decision they have struggles. He says that they are not focusing on the game. Neha asks why they talk a lot about them if their connection is weak. They don’t have any opinion about others then why about them. Karan tells they will search for a good singing teacher for him. Next viewer asks Divya as to what her best friend means because she keeps changing her best friends like seasons and who is going to become her next best friend and stay till the end. Divya says that for her it means that best in the lot and Nishant is her best friend because they are genuine. Karan asks Moose whether she thinks that Divya is trying to steal her connection to which she says that she doesn’t waht her to fill his ears when they fight. Nishant says that dostana is happening with Moose, him and Pratik. Karan asks him to talk with Pratik to which he says he is not talking with him even after him trying to talk with him. Karan says there won’t be any climax to the story. Next viewer says that Divya has no story and keeps poking into other’s stories who asks Divya that where is her game now as she has said that Bigg Boss was her desire and not her need.

Divya says that everyone is not ready to break their connections and she is poking in other’s stories. Karan says she is deflecting the words and she has lost her game. Divya says he is right and she has nothing right now. She promises Karan entertainment if she stays. Karan says to Shamitha that she has already told that she doesn’t like Divya and now she is fed up and don’t want to answer anymore. He asks Nishant who says that he doesn’t agree that she has given upon him. He says that Raqesh and Shamitha didn’t do the punishment and she has done what Divya has done. Shamitha says it was not her punishment. Shamitha says when she got punished she has done that. Shamitha says she didn’t what happened. Pratik says that Divya didn’t make good friendship with everyone that they press buzzer for her. Nishant says whatever Divya says becomes an issue for Shamitha. Nishant says he wahts to talk from Raqesh’s side and Shamitha asks him whether Raqesh has no mouth. Raqesh says that Shamitha and him will decide about their views and others don’t have to get into this. Karan asks Divya that she got chance to become the connections but she got none and everyone thinks that she didn’t make the efforts. Divya says she can’t beg someone to become her connection and she has made serious efforts with Neha and Pratik. And she didn’t ask Moose because she didn’t want to break her heart. Karan asks Divya what is she waiting for. Next viewers questions Divya as to why did she suggest Akshara to make it with Neha and why with Shamitha and Raqesh. Divya laughs and says that she has got the story to which Karan asks why she is finding this funny.

Divya says that weird things were going on back then and everyone were ignoring them and she asked Akshara to make it with Neha because she talks with everyone. He asks Divya that she has asked Akshara to get close to Pratik and use him to which she says she meant. Pratik says she was hurt but his thought was justified. Karan says that if she has kept her brain in connection then she would have got a connection. Neha and Pratik laugh. He says she is advicing everyone. She says she is here for her friends. Karan tells Akshara that he never thought her to be soo weak that she went upto Divya’s words. Akshara says that she was emotionally very hurt and it’s Divya and Millind who were with her and were trying to calm her. She wasn’t able to understand what she has to do. Karan asks Nishant who says that she was his friend and he along with Pratik and Moose were with her. Karan says may be she wanted to listen to Divya.

Pratik says that she gives suggestions to others. Neha says so it means her apologises were fake. Karan says they can fight after the vaar. He asks to move on. Karan says that now they have answered to the viewer’s questions but they won’t get the report card. He says that as they know they are here with GF. Raqesh and Shamitha lift their hands. Neha says she is Pratik’s girlfriend in the house. Karan says he is talking about misunderstandings and asks Nishaht and Pratik to bring the balloons from the store room. The contestants wear the balloons. Nishant breaks Neha’s balloon and says that she thinks that he thinks bitter about her but he likes her ahd he doesn’t agree with her decision but he likes her company. He then blasts Pratik’s and says that he thinks that their friendship ended but that’s not true their friendship is still there. Pratik says that he has emotional connection with him. He says that he is not talking with him. Next comes Moose who breaks Nishant’s and she keeps on correcting him and he thinks that she will make connection with someone else but he is her first priority. She then breaks Divya and says she apologise for her words. Next comes Raqesh who breaks his own balloon and says that he has trusted everyone but every week the opinions change. He then breaks Shamitha’s and says that she thinks he goes to others but that’s not true. Karan says he meant she is his goal. Raqesh then breaks Akshara’s and says that he misunderstood that she would become his friend but that’s not true.

He asks him to sit beside Shamitha where he belongs. Shamitha breaks Nishant’s and says that she finds it wrong that he thinks that his opinion is right. She then blasts Akshara’s and says that she tried to create misunderstanding and she thinks she can get out of her lies but that’s not true. Neha comes next who blasts Akshara’s and blasts hers as well as she has trusted her apology. She says she won’t become bad as a person. She blasts Millind and says she didn’t break her friendship with him and asks him to look around himself. She then breaks Divya’s and says that she has lot misunderstandings about her and asks to keep them safe. Neha says that whatever she has done she has fine with heart. She again blasts her balloon and says that she don’t trust her. She then breaks Moose and says it’s her effort and asks her to open her eyes. She blasts Nishant and says that she loves him.

Pratik blasts Nishant and Moose and says that he finds them friends from heart and loves them and will love them forever. His heart is genuinely connected with them. The game ends soon but the Love always gonna be there and even if they nominated him then it’s okay. Nishant says it’s not wrong that he has expectations from him just like he did. Pratik says that he genuinely loves them. He blasts Neha’s abd says that she doubted him. He breaks Akshara’s and says that she thinks he hurted her and he apologized because she was hurt. Pratik says they accept their mistakes but she doesn’t. He then blasts Divya’s and says that she thinks that his heart doesn’t accept without breaking hers. Divya blasts Nishant and says she don’t play sympathy card.

She then blasts Moose and says that she is not here to break anyone’s connection. She then blasts Neha’s and says that she thinks everyone talks about her but that’s not true. She then blasts Pratik’s and says he blasted her and that’s why. Millind blasts Pratik’s and says that he has pointed his finger at their connection and that’s why. He then blasts Neha’s anc says she knows him better and he never gets into other’s words. He apologises to Neha’s supporters. Next comes Akshara who blasts Raqesh’s and says she respects him as a person and what he has said before didn’t get to her. She tells him that she doesn’t have anything personal with him. Shamitha says she didn’t understand the context. She then blasts Shamitha’s and says that she misunderstands her. She then blasts Neha’s and says she likes her and she genuinely apologised. Neha says she doesn’t accept her apology. She then blasts Pratik’s three balloons and says that one for blasting hers and she was hurt with him breaking connection with her. Pratik says that there is no misunderstanding from his side. She says she didn’t lie. He asks Akshara to sit. He says now he is taking a break and asks them to leave him alone. Raqesh says Akshara’s band bajgayi. Divya says she tried to make her understand.

Karan comes back and says that they think that they have no misunderstandings and that’s what makes it more interesting. He welcomes Ronit Roy and Richa Chada onto the stage to unwrap the Sins of the contestants. He asks them about Candy. Richa says that we have heard stories about not giving lift to the strangers on hill station and not look behind or look into the mirror while driving. Karan asks them to say about each other about OTT character of theirs. He asks her about Ronit who says he is serious ahd Ronit calls her intelligent. He asks whether they want to unwrap Sin about each other. She says he scares others with his eyes. Ronit says she is very calm. He says that now they both will unwrap the Sins of the contestants together. Karan asks contestants to go onto the pause board and he has seen everything and introduces Ronit and Richa to them. Ronit asks them Nishanth and Moose to bring the Candy’s from the store room. They bring them. Richa says there are different candies where different Sins are written. He asks them to dedicate the Sin and say the reason. He asks Neha to lift the candy of greed and give it to someone. Neha says that Nishant is the one who needs attention and wahts attention.

Nishant says it should go to Raqesh. She gives it to Divya saying she is greedy for connection. Karan says he rejects it. Richa asks Raqesh to take the candy of envy and give it to someone. He gives it to Raqesh and she is jealous because she has no connection. Ronit asks Shamitha to take the candy of anger and give it to someone. Shamitha gives that to Akshara because she gets angry on different things and thinks she is right. Richa asks Akshara to gibe Lazy candy to someone and she gives it to Millind. She says he makes her work and sleeps. Ronit asks whoever wants, they can give the proud candy to someone and Nishaht lifts it and says Shamitha has proud and she does friendship with convenience. Shamitha says that what opinion he has about himself is high. He certainly has some issues and it goes beyond her. She is tired of defending Raqesh and she don’t own him.

Richa asks Pratik to give self obsessed candy and he wears it saying he is self obsessed. Ronit asks Divya to give dominating candy to someone and she gives it Shamitha and says she is dominating. Richa asks Moose and asks to give betrayal candy and she gives it to Divya and says that betrayal comes no matter intentionally or unintentionally. Divya says that she doesn’t like this betrayal tag. Divya gives the tag to Pratik and says that one should never play with emotions. Ronit asks Millind to give manipulation candy and he gives it to Neha because the time they spent she said things to him. Karan bids adieu to the guests and with that the episode ends.

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Bigg Boss OTT 4th September 2021 Written Update: Divya provokes Nishant against Pratik