Bigg Boss OTT Written Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on
Day 28
07:45 PM
Raqesh tells Shamitha to not to get weak. He hugs her and kisses on her forehead. He asks her not to let it bother her. Neha tells Raqesh that why does he talks like this. She says it’s about Nishant and says it affects her a lot.
08:00 PM
Shamitha asks as to why did he pounce on her. She says she apologized him for what she has said from her heart and she asks as to why they are pointing fingers at her. Neha says Raqesh is always with her. Shamitha says she stood with him and she needs a man who defends her. She always fought his battles. He cares but sometimes he has to go beyond himself. Shamitha says it being strong means Proud then she is. Neha asks her to relax.
08:15 AM
Nishant says that she saying that be a man and he doesn’t like that. Nishant says they talk about every connection and if he finds her dominating then she is. She called him many things. Raqesh says she apologized. He says just because she apologised her words hit his heart. Raqesh says he likes her ahd he wants to be with her. Divya asks him to tell Shamitha that he won’t come between her and Nishant. Raqesh says that she wants him to be with her and that’s not wrong. Nishant says that one shouldn’t sit on the words said by others. Raqesh asks him to calm down.
08:45 PM
Raqesh tells Shamitha that he has a point of view and strong point of view. If one has to see it that way then everyone is proud. She says she is trying to console herself. Raqesh says even he is trying to console himself. Raqesh says he is in between. Shamitha says he would have reacted that time when he was saying things. He says that hr will deal things in his way. Shamitha asks to change this to which he says why does she wants him to change. She says that he never talks for her. She says she felt cornered and attacked. Raqesh says there was an attack and she shouldn’t react like that. She says she is fed up of everything.
09:00 PM
Moose and Nishaht with Divya dance in the song Desi girl. Rubina and Nikki come there. Nikki tells Moose that she is her big fan. Nikki tells Raqesh that he is a gentleman and Shamitha is classy. Pratik tells Nikki that she wishes she is here for him. She asks him to come forward so she can talk to him personally and she kisses him on his cheek from the glass and next time he turns around and it happens on lips. She tells him that she wants to meet him outside and asks him to win. She says she is single and asks him ti meet him. Rubina asks Pratik to remove the curtain and he does. She says the name of the person whom she calls comes and will tear the photo of the person whom they think don’t deserve to be on the wall. She calls Divya and Neha. Rubina says she will give two names.
Divya says shr wants to remove Neha and Shamitha as they say words about woman empowerment and at times they do totally different. Neha says she has seen how they have evolved. Neha says she thinks both deserve to be on the wall. Divya and Neha argue with each other. Rubina asks them to decide and she says they are still here as they argue. Neha asks Divya to not to talk with her. Neha says she is rotten from inside. Pratik and Shamitha calm Neha. They tear Shamitha pic. They then call Pratik and Moose. She says Divya and Nishant. Moose and Pratik pick Divya and they give their reasons and tear the pic. Pratik gives his reson both Rubina and Nikki laugh. Pratik tears the pic first and keeps it in the machine. Rubina then calls Shamitha, Raqesh and Nishant. Neha, Moose and Pratik. They give their reasons. Nishant calls Shamitha proud again. They tear Pratik’s pic.
Raqesh Nishant and Neha are the only ones on the board. Nikki asks Raqesh and Pratik to bring something from the store room. Nikki says she will asks qesstions anc they should answer in yes or no and the spray will be on their face if the answer cones yes. Nikki asks Pratik whether Divya thinks herself to be right. He says yes and sprays on her. Divya calls him a fucker. Nikki asks whether Divya thinkw herself to be reality queen. Shamitha says yes and sprays. Nikki asks Raqesh whether she makes good tea and he says he makes a good one. Nikki asks Neha whether Divya thinks herself to be know it all to which she says yes. She asks Nishant whether Divya likes to be a thorn in Shamitha ways to which he says yes and sprays. She asks Moose whether Divya is useless in making connections to which she says no.
Next she calls Neha and Rubina asks Pratik whether Neha is insecure about her connection. Nikki and Pratik kiss each other and Rubina asks them to get a room. He says yes and sprays on her face. She asks Divya whether Neha fills ears to which she says yes and sprays on her face. She asks Nishant whether Neha has broken his friendship with Pratik to which he says yes and he sprays. Nikki calls Pratik and asks how does she looks to which he says she looks amazing and he wants to go out with her. She says she will come to meet him. She asks Shamitha whether Pratik is Krishna she says no. She asks Neha whether he is the most hottest and she says yes and sprays on his face. He spreads the spray on her face. She asks Raqesh whether Pratik is with Nishant because he is strong to which he says yes. Pratik says he wishes that he gives right opinion on right place. Nikki asks whether the begining Pratik was real to which he is at present.
Nikki asks Nishant whether Divya and Pratik were brother anc sisters to which he says yes and sprays. Rubina calls Shamitha next. She asks Raqesh whether Shamitha is irritated with him to which he denies. She asks Neha whether Shamitha has more chancrs without connection to which she denies. She asks Moose whether Raqesh’s control is in Shamitha hands to which she says yes and sprays. She asks Divya whether Shamitha is a drama queen to which she says yes and sprays on her face. Nikki calls Nishant and asks Shamitha whether Nishant is a calculative player to which she says yes and sprays. She asks Neha whether Nishant manipulates Neha to which she says no and asks whether he is becoming over confident to which shd says yes. They are about to ask her next question to which she says she wants to spray and sprays. She asks Divya whether Nishant wants to change connection to which she says no. Next Rubina calls Raqesh and asks Shamitha whether Raqesh bitches about Nishant. She says yes and sprays on his face a little. She asks Neha whether Shamitha and Raqesh connection real ti which she says yes and sprays on his face. She kissew on his cheek. She asks Pratik whether Raqesh likes Divya’s lip balm more to which he says yes and sprays on his face. She asks Nishant whether Raqesh’s real face yet to come to which he says yes and sprays.
Next Nikki calls Moose and she asks Neha whether Moose has the capacity to which she says yes and sprays. She asks Shamitha whether thete is any quality in Moose rhat would keep her win at stake to which she says no. Nikki asks Moose to sit and tells Shamitha to smile. Rubina asks them to be real. Neha kisses Nikki over the glass and Nikki tells she will kiss Pratik outside. Rubina and Nikki leave from there.
10:45 PM
Nishant tells Shamitha that they all talk about the connections and everyone then why she is taking it soo personal. She says that he has said this before as well and only they know what they are going through. Things were said to him which has effected them both individually. Nishant asks her why she is taking it soo serious. Shamitha says even he says things but then it goes in the jokes. Shamitha says she never pretended to be something she isn’t. Shamitha says she has said that he has a lovely side to it. She asks him to accept her side as well. He says he does. Raqesh asks him to go ahead by doing what he likes.
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