Bigg Boss OTT Written Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on

Day 28

08:00 AM

The inmates wake up to the song morning time. Neha hugs Raqesh dancing in the Garden. Nishant saya that now he will get a chance to get away from that one girl. He says they will break up. Moose says was yesterday a way to talk. Raqesh asks Divya to convince Nishant. Shamitha tells Pratik that she don’t want Divya to become Nishant connection. She asks how his equation with Nishant. He says it’s like before.

09:00 AM

Raqesh tells Shamitha that Nishant said that they need each other support. He says they wahts to go ahead in the show. Shamitha asks him to talk with her whether she wants his support or not. She says that she don’t want to play with Divya. Raqesh says that Divya and Nishabt will be good together. They are on his side. Shamitha asks him not to trust her and if the matter comes she will flip. He asks her not to use that tone with him. He says that if she reacts that way then ita better not to talk. He says she is demeaning him. Shamitha asks what happens to him everyday. She says whether it’s because of the lady. She says she always supported him. He says he doesn’t like the way she talks. Shamitha says she sees a new side to him everyday.

09:30 AM

Shamitha tells Neha whatever Raqesh said and about their argument. Neha says Pratik never played with people’s heart. Shamitha says she is fed up with Raqesh and wants to play alone. She will accept it if audience don’t want her in the show.

10:00 AM

Shamitha asks Raqesh that he says things like thank you for being there etc but then suddenly his thoughts changes the next day he wakes up and then he is saying that she is dominating him and asks him to say what he has in his heart and asks him not to change his thoughts and stand on his words. Raqesh says that he has changed for her after he came here. He asks her to think before she says. She asks whether she is dominating him and demeaning him to which he says yes.

11:15 AM

Nishabt tells Moose that he and Pratik took out their names. She says it’s wrong. He says that he don’t want to say his plans. He says that let people think that they are going to press the buzzer. He asks her not to do any stupid thing. He tells her that Raqesh and Pratik wahts to know his plans.

11:30 AM

Moose asks why did he think when Nikki asked him whether he is single. Pratik asks whether she thought he is single. Nishant asks her not to tease her brother. Pratik says he is his brother as well as Moose.

11:45 AM

Nishant asks why did she say that thing. She says she didn’t say anything to him. He says her thought is the same. Moose says he makes people feel like shit and he says she is making him feel like an idiot. Nishant says that now he is not going to say anything to her. They both argue with each other. He asks her to do whatever she wants to do and don’t blame him. He says he is really done with this.

12:00 PM.

Nishant tells Divya that he and Pratik has changed the names and he like everytime with bad habit said everything. Divya says Moose loves Pratik and you either love or play. Nishant says that she has affection for him as well. Nishant tells her that he and Pratik are very clear about the game.

01:45 PM

Divya asks everyone whether it’s her thing to Neha to which she says yes and Divya says it’s disgusting. Neha asks her not to say such thing. Neha says it’s just a unwashed under wear.

02:45 PM

Inmates are working when a buzzer comes. They wonder as to what’s happening. Some crew removes the buzzer. Pratik says that they all have become single. Divya rejoices. Pratik says no. The buzzer again comes ahd the crew keep some pics together. Divya rejoices. Moose asks not to do this.

03:00 PM

Bigg Boss says that in the four weeks they were connected and they are given chances to change the connection but they stayed together and only two connections changed. Whatever the reason or whether their friendship broken. Now he is giving them freedom and they are not given this freedom to make connection but to live like they are amd play the game like they want and he disables all the connections. He asks them to cut the ribbon between their pics. Pratik and Neha hug each other after cutting it. Moose and Nishant hug each other. Shamitha asks Raqesh to live his Life. Nishant says this is original Bigg Boss. Nishant joins his photo with Pratik and says let the world knos the real connection. They both hifi with each other.

07:30 PM

Bigg Boss asks the housemates to nominate any of the two contestants of the house. First comes Moose who nominates Neha and Shamitha. She says she is nominating Neha because she didn’t do her work properly. She then nominates Shamitha and says she has a lot of attitude and she finds others inferior to her. Next comes Pratik who nominates Divya and says it’s because they never got connected and he don’t want to connect with her because he knows her a lot better. He then nominates Raqesh. Next comes Neha who nominates Moose and Divya. Shamitha comes and nominates Divya and Nishant. Next comes Nishant who nominates Neha and Shamitha. Divya comes next and nominates Pratik and Shamitha. Raqesh comes next and nominates Pratik and Moose.

08:00 PM

Nishant is laying on his bed with Divya. Pratik and Moose are sitting in the kitchen. Pratik shows Nishant and Divya to Moose to which she says she can’t see that way and the smoke is coming from her ears. Pratik again asks her to look at them teasing her to which she asks him as to why he is doing this. Moose leaves from there throwing a stool. Pratik swears. Pratik follows Moose to which she asks him not to follow her and closes the glass door. But then she opens it and they both laugh.

08:30 PM

Bigg Boss says that now it’s time for the report card. The housemates eagerly wait. Bigg Boss says that the 24*7 audience are happy with their performance hence there won’t be any effect on their tomorrow.

09:30 PM

Raqesh and Shamitha discuss about Neha. Raqesh tells Shamitha that he knows Neha well.

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Bigg Boss OTT 6th September 2021 Written Update: Rubina and Nikki enter the house as guests