Bigg Boss OTT Written Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on

Day 31

08:00 AM

The inmates wake up to the song joote wade. Neha hugs Pratik. Moose dances in the garden. Neha climbs onto Nishant’s back. Raqesh and Shamitha hug each other.

09:30 AM

Nishant asks Divya to wake up for the breakfast. Divya says this is the only time they come to her and no one comes to wake her up or dance with her. Nishant asks her to come. She denies to come saying she is sick of it. Nishant leaves from there. He tells Shamitha that Divya is feeling bad that they ignored her. Nishant says she said that they only ask for cooking.

10:30 AM

Divya tells Raqesh that she has no one here anc she is talking about the intention behind the words. She says that she has made friends with Shamitha but she never accepted her the way she is. She likes Nishant but for him Pratik and Moose are important.

10:45 AM

Raqesh tells Shamitha that Divya is feeling low when she asks him amd she got bashed a lot. Shamitha says that dhd has done such things. Neha supports her saying that she becomes mean at times.

01:00 AM

Neha lays on Shamitha and asks to fulfill her hunger of lust. Shamitha laughs. Raqesh also laughs.

01:45 PM

Neha asks Divya what happened to her and why she is sitting alone. Divya says she always sits alone. Neha tells her that she is not here to fight with het or not to forward her hand for friendship but she knows herself. She says that everyone feels like that at times. Neha tells Divya that it doesn’t just feel nice to see her like that.

03:30 PM

Bigg Boss says that from yesterday’s nomination five contestants are nominated and he is going to give them a task. Hr asks safe contestants Raqesh and Nishant to decide whom they want to give disadvantage before the task starts. Raqesh and Nishant go into a room to discuss about it. Nishant says it’s unfair to give divya a disadvantage because she never got to perform in the tasks earlier. Nishant says it has been very easy for Shamitha. Raqesh says that can go into nomination together by agreeing to it. Nishant says he don’t want to give up that easily. Raqesh says Shamitha is a fighter. Nishant asks him why he don’t want Neha in the nominations. Raqesh says she is his friend. Nishant says the closeness he has with Moose and Pratik is higher.

Raqesh says they are giving disadvantage to Pratik and Neha. Pratik asks why two of them. Raqesh says Pratik is strong and that’s why. Pratik is argues with him over it saying women are not weak. Nishant says whatever he has said to Raqesh amd says he himself has non reason. Pratik and Raqesh argue and Pratik asks him to shut up. Pratik argues with Shamitha saying that he has saved her over him. Neha says she is okay with it. Shamitha says he obviously won’t give advantage to her. Neha asks Pratik to sit silent. Raqesh leaves from there. Pratik asks Neha to understand who is her friends. Shamitha defends Raqesh. Neha shouts at Pratik to which he says nlt to shout at him and says he knows who are his friends. Raqesh says he believes women are weaker than men when it comes to strength. Raqesh asks Pratik to get out. Shamitha says she is injured to which Pratik says even his heart is injured.

04:15 PM

Divya reads the letter from the Bigg Boss and today the nominates will play a game where the contestants will sit on the auto and if they continue to do so they will be saved. There will be buzzers where they will send one into the danger zone.

04:30 PM

Pratik tells Nishant that it was not his choice. Shamitha tells neha that if Pratik want to be beside her then she will go. Neha says she don’t want to get into this. Divya discusses about the game. Divya decides to talk with Pratik and asks him whether he wants her to sit in the danger zone. Pratik tells Neha that in the end they with Moose should be safe. Neha says she doesn’t like Moose as well.

04:45 PM

Moose with Shamitha and Divya sits in the auto. Shamitha says she will get down first and will give her place to Neha. And whoever stays till the last will be safe. Raqesh apologises to audience and says it was not his intention.

Bigg Boss tells Neha and Pratik that they are wasting their energy by talking. Bigg Boss gets angry and asks how many times he has to tell them the rules and how many times they will keep on breaking rules. The buzzer comes, Divya says that they will send Shamitha to the danger zone. Shamitha gives her place to Neha. Neha sits on it. Moose asks Neha for a kiss.

05:15 PM

Bigg Boss says that the lines of living area will be locked and asks them to come inside for sometime. Moose says the way he has struck to Neha, she is done with it. Moose says that he didn’t talk with her then okay. Moose says Divya is with her and she don’t care who will sit. Nishant says it’s not okay. Divya says Pratik will come in the last. Raqesg tells Shamitha that he is disgusted with Neha, Nishant and Pratik.

05:45 PM

The buzzer comes again. They send Neha out. Moose says that her reason is Neha done duty long. Divya says she has no good connection with her and they both nominate her to go to the danger zone. Neha and Divya argue with each other. Neha gets down and asks Pratik to go. Neha says she wanted to prove to him that she is not her friend. Neha tells Nishant that Pratik considers her his friend and he wants to save her. Neha says Moose is no one’s friend. She says they are emotional fools. Shamitha says she didn’t like Pratik’s words. Neha tells her that she said that she won’t come in between. Pratik with Moose and Divya discuss the game.

06:30 PM

Neha says that if they send Pratik out then it will bs proved that Moose won’t bs a good friend. Divya tells Pratik thay she wants them to stay till end. They both had a brother sister relationship. Divya asks to forget. Neha says fake friendship. Neha says her friendship is that she will leave the show for Pratik. Pratik tells Nishant about their game plan. The buzzer comes and they send Pratik out. Neha says saw the friendship and she is here to play the gane. She says she has shown her true face. Pratik tries to calm her down. Neha says that she didn’t break their friendship but she did. Pratik asks her to calm down as she continues to argue with each other.

Moise tells Shamitha that he didn’t talk with her about the game. Shamitha says then its not friendship. Moose says that she doesn’t know about her relationship with Pratik. Moose says she would stand up for Pratik. Bigg Boss calls them inside for some time. Nishant says they ars playing game. Neha says that Pratik trusts Moose and thinks that she is on his side. She tells him that she wants to open his eyes. Shamitha tells Pratik whatever Moose said. Neha calls him mad as he still stays on her side.

06: 45 PM

Moose tells Pratik that hd was sticking with Nishant anc Neha and when will she come to talk with him. He tells her not to trust Divya and tells him that she doesn’t know that he cares for her. Neha tells Raqesh that she and Shamitha will be out of the show. Raqesh says he is disgusting with whatever is happened. Moose tells Pratik that she cant betray Divya. Pratik asks Neha to leave when she comes to him. Moose disagrees with Pratik. Shamitha asks Divya whether she wants to be with Moose till the end. Shamitha asks to chose Moose. Divya tells her that she don’t trust Moose. They decide to chose Moose. Divya tells Moose whatever she spoke with Shamitha.

07:00 PM

Divya and Moose nominate Shamitha. Shamitha shouts for Raqesh to see. She sends Pratik. Shamitha tells Raqesh that she did this for him. Divya tells Moose that if she talks with love then she would have listened to her. Shamitha asks Raqesh for his loyalty. Pratik asks Moose to go to past five weeks and think about it. Shamitha says she wants to know whom the audience support. Moose tells Pratik that she don’t trust hom in game. Neha tells her whatever Pratik told her. Neha shouts at her. Pratik asks her to calm down. Shamitha tells Neha that she wants Raqesh to open his eyes. Pratik tells Moose that he won’t be sad even if he gets nominated. Neha again shouts at Moose. She says she wants to get out of the show. Divya and Neha get into an argument. They both call each other mad. Shamitha tries to calm down Neha.

07:30 PM

The buzzer comes and they nominate Pratik. Divya says they tried to convince him. Pratik asks Neha to go but she denies. He says he wants her to be safe. Pratik tells her that he is not in a situation to think. Pratik tries to convince Neha. Neha says she don’t want to stay here. Nishant consoles Moose and says whatever the decision they took ia from their heart. He tells her that he is proud of her. Pratik and Neha continue to argue. Bigg Boss says that the time has passed and one should sit there. As the task didn’t reach till end hence the task is aborted and no one is safe. Pratik throws things in anger. Nishant shouts at Neha. Pratik tells she would have been safe and he would have been happy. Nishant and Neha argue with each other.

07:45 PM

Nishant asks Pratik why he is getting emotional anc keeping himself in risk. Pratik says he loves both of them. He wants them do be safe at the end. Pratik asks why did he nominate himself for Moose and just like that he did the same. Shamitha shouts at Neha. Neha says she don’t want to be safe without her and Pratik. She cant chose. Raqesh tells Neha that she did right. Pratik tells Nishant that he can’t play game with him and Moose. Divya shouts at him. Pratik tells her that he has no emotional connection with him. He says he will apologize if audience says he is wrong. He asks Moose to keep her hand on her heart and say hs never cared for her. Pratik tells Nishant that his mother will be proud of him. Divya comes and tells Nishant whatever Moose said.

08:00 PM

Pratik cries sitting in the gym. Raqesh tells Shamitha that if he wants to talk with him then she can. He asks her not to talk with Pratik. Neha says she stood up for him but he never did. Shamitha says this is not happening at all. Divya tells Shamitha that she should talk with love instead of ordering her. Raqesh denies to talk with her. Divya tries to talk with Neha and Shamitha but they ignore her. She pours oil in het food. Shamitha and Divya get into an argument. Shamitha says she tried to show her reality to Raqesh. Shamitha calls her a bitch to which she calls her a insecure bitch. Divya calls Neha Racist and Sexist. Divya tells whatever she has done to their food. Nishant and Moose laugh. She says she will make their lives hell. Raqesh and Shamitha argue with each other.

08:30 PM

Nishant hugs Moose and Nishant asks hsr to play like this only and entertain others. Neha asks Pratik to understand their real faces. He says he can see it but is emotionally hurt. Nishant tells Moose that they will never stop communicating.

09:00 PM

Raqesh tells Neha that he is done with this and Divya is not an important person to him. It is his individual decision to talk with whoever he wants. He says that there is no commitment with Shamitha.

09:15 PM

Neha enters the washroom where Shamitha is crying where she shares her pain with her. She says she wants acceptance from him. She cries and Neha tries to console her. Divya comes to Raqesh to which he begs to leave him alone. He asks her not to promise. Divya tells him that Nishant and he matters to her. Raqesg tells her thay Shamitha matters to him. He says now he is alone.

09:30 PM

Pratik tells Divya that his sister would have never done something like this and ome can’t ruin the food and he took the right decision by not talking with her. Divya says then it’s okay. Divya mocks Neha and asks whether she will talk only when Pratik talks.

10:15 PM

Bigg Boss says that ths 24*7 live audience are happy with their performance hence there won’t be any effect on their tomorrow. The contestants thank Bigg Boss.

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Bigg Boss OTT 7th September 2021 Written Update: Raqesh tells Shamitha that she is dominating him and demeaning him