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The show starts with Day 39 at 8.05 am, Morning wake up song plays at the house. Housemates starts dance for the song ” Damalu” and greets each other.
At 10.20 am, Thamarai asks to Annachi Is he asked permission to Pavani to cross that place? He informs to her he got permission morning itself.
At 11.20 am, Pavani asks Cibi to say one task. He says to her even he won’t do it. Pavani says that he might do this task to cut here. Pavani says to Akahara that she cannot break the rules like this and do the task. Akshara tells her that she asked her permission to her for a small things too but she don’t like the way she asked Cibi to give task to her. She will do anything if she give task to her. Pavani says to her that she broke the rules so she might do the punishment. Akshara accept it. Annachi is kneely watching Pavani’s expression. Akshara cries inside the bedroom thinking about the incident.
At 11.10 am, Pavani announces to all that no one ask anything to her. They can asks Thamarai to do it. Annachi questions her whom should order him? She informs to him she will order him. Annachi complaints to her in teasing way Priyanka ruling them instead of her. Pavani says to all she is gonna take the coin now whoever has work continue it and rest all leave ff that place. Annachi asks her to appoint him as her commander now? She says to him that she will think about It now. He says to her he will give the task to them. She asks him to leave from here first. Niroop questions him why is he standing here? Annachi asks him to mind his own business. Pavani says that he wanna do the punishment. Annachi pushes Niroop and Iyakki and says let’s add them too. Pavani denies it. Pavani says to Thamarai that she will give punishment to her if someone walk here.
At 11.40 am, Varun says to Iyakki that it seems something big gonna happen here. Everything happening like that only. Pavani questions Madhu how could she cross that living area without permission. She didn’t placed coin there. Mathu says that she got punishment from Thamarai. She says to Thamarai she didn’t place her coin at all. She demands Mathu to do the punishment.
At 11.45 am, Niroop refuses to go reasoning she gave task to Mathu layer. She informs to him that she gonna punish her. She will give task to him. Pavani asks him to do the task. He do the sit-up. He goes to bedroom. Pavani complaints to him that she gave task to him for entering here but he is walking here so she will give punishment to him for this in evening. Niroop starts moving from there and complaints she someohow gonna give punishment to him then why should she follow the rules? Pavani complaints that even he has coins then why did he behaving like this? He is playing partial game. Niroop says to her that done sit up there no one done like that yet. Even after he done this much she is doing like this. Pavani announces that she is not gonna place the coin back till he do the punishment. Priyanka says to Niroop that because of him rest of the contestants are suffering. They can’t able to move from their place it’s wrong. Niroop says to her he is ready to do the punishment now. Annachi tries to convince her and asks her to give task to him. Pavani asks Niroop to sweep the room. He asks her to don’t give punishment to him later. She tells him its her wish. Niroop refuses to do the task. Priyanka again give voice out against him and says they didn’t done anything like this when he was ruling. He complaints its their mistake. Varun advises to Pavani she can give punishment on the spot. She nods to them. Pavani demands Niroop to clean it neatly.
At 12.25pm, Priyanka explaining to Niroop what did he done wrong. He argues with her that Pavani shows partiality to her friends and didn’t give task to Mathu. Priyanka says to him that she said to her she will give task to her after she use washroom. He says to her she said she will give it in evening then why did she gave punishment to him like this. Priyanka complaints that he has no rights to talk about partiality. Both gets into a argument. Pavani says to them that no one obeying the rules here. Niroop says to Pavani that all are pleasing her to do the task. Pavani says to her its her wish to select the worst performer and give punishment to them. Pavani adds that Akshara didn’t behave like him when did she broke the rules. Priyanka complaints that no one behaved like this in his ruling time. Though he gave permission to his favorite persons and chose few people to sleep outside. Without doing anything he asked her to sleep outside. Pavani asks him to do the punishment. She asks him to Clean the sofa. She demands Mathu to take 10 rounds while mentioning she won’t break the rules. She demands Akshara to do the punishment too.
At 12.40 pm, Pavani asks Akshara to hold her ears and repeats saying she Don’t repeat the mistakes for 50 times. She gets angry when she is keep changing her words. She argues with her that she is not minding the persom whom not doing the task instead irritating her in middle. She asks her to stick to her words instead of changing it. Pavani complaints that she don’t need to teach the rules to her mind her own business. Both gets into a heating argument. Pavani says that everyone playing smart here. She gives slow clap to all.
At 12.45 pm, Pavani asks Niroop to do punishment for sitting here without permission 100 times he wanna mention he won’t break the rules. He agrees to do it and asks her will she give punishment to Evening. Priyanka narrates how did he played wrong here. Niroop asks her to give punishment to her for this. Priyanka do the sit up. Niroop complaints that no one done the task like him in this house. Pavani says that no one breaking the rules like him. He starts taking round while arguing with her.
At 1 pm, Pavani says to all that she felt none doing the task and listening to them because ruling power is in a woman hand. She decides to add Niroop in it yesterday but she has no idea he will take it in this way. She didn’t even informed this to Thamarai. Iyakki asks her to clear this to her.
At 1.15 pm, Priyanka says to Niroop that he is thinking about the night punishment and breaking the rules now. Because of him while house is suffering. Why don’t he do the things which pleasing her. Pavani explains to her that she removed the coin because Akshara broke the rules but she doesn’t know Niroop will do something like this. Akshara comes there and explains to her that she gave punishment to her 50 times and 10 times to Mathu can’t she find the difference here? She complaints that Mathu crossed the pace unaware she didn’t placed the coin she already gave the task to her.
At 1.40 pm, Buzzer plays housemates runs from there and takes the doll and runs into the tent. Thamarai pleads Niroop to go late. Niroop enters late and shows the doll to camera. Thamarai says to all that Priyanka and Mathu saved her and Niroop stabbed her.
At 2.00 pm, Niroop tries to convince Iyakki. She asks to him why should she listen to him? Both are discussing about it.
At 2.10 pm, Buzzer plays Niroop and Iyakki runs from there and take the doll. Iyakki enters first and win the task. Niroop shows the doll to camera. Bigg Boss announces the result Niroop won the luxury budget task. He will get the luxury budget task he shouldn’t share this to anyone.
At 2.30 pm, Priyanka says to Mathu that she is so possessive person. She is his friend but he didn’t asked her to save him. He is not talking with her. He is didn’t mind her and ignores to her. She shares her grief with camera in the funny way.
At 4.00 pm, Bigg Boss announces to all Bigg Boss awards gonna happen in this house so they can give their votes to the category.
At 4.30 pm, Housemates starts giving their votes.
At 7.00 pm, Bigg Boss asks everyone to wear pretty dress and attend the award function. They should accept the awards and behave carefully. Priyanka is a special guest. Raju and Akshara will host this show.
At 8.00 pm, Housemates celebrates the Award function. Priyanka welcomes the contestants in red carpet and taking everyone’s interview.
Episode end.
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Bigg Boss Tamil 10th November 2021 Written Update: