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The episode starts with Mannat entering Dev’s room and she asks Alisha what she is doing in his room. Alisha tells Mannat to go because she is interfering in her matters but Mannat doesn’t listen to her and she wakes up Dev. Mannat asks Dev if he calls Alisha to his room. Dev denies that he didn’t call anyone. Mannat tells Alisha to leave the room because Dev is now a married man. Mannat decides to take Dev in her room and she tells Alisha to stay here. Alisha tells Mannat that she can’t do this but Mannat walks away with Dev and Alisha breaks the jar.
Mannat brings Dev into her room and she finds him intoxicated. Mannat offers water and a towel to him. Dev tells Mannat that he took a sleeping pills. Mannat feels uncomfortable and she tells Dev to stay in his room and she will sleep outside. Dev tells Mannat that she will not sleep outside because everyone will be after him and blame him. Dev tells Mannat that she is always ready to accuse him and she makes him characterless. Dev tells Mannat that he will not stay with her because later she will accuse him and he is not a characterless person.
Dev tells Mannat that he cannot disrespect a woman and he knows when a girl feels safe or not. Dev tells Mannat that consent matters for a woman and she can think he is a characterless person. Mannat closed the door and tried to explain to him that she trusts him a lot. Mannat tells Dev that he had done a lot and her intentions were not insulting his family. Mannat begs Dev to stay in the room and she will go outside. Dev asks Mannat if she will feel comfortable sleeping outside. Mannat suggests Dev if they can share the room. Dev tells Mannat that he will sleep on the sofa and she will sleep on the bed.
Satpal wishes Mannat good morning and he asks him about last night. Dev thinks that Satpal learns about Mannat sleeping in his room. Satpal asks Dev about the medicine and Satpal tells Dev he will eat the paratha today, which Mannat has made for him. Satpal tells Dev that he learns from Tannu that Mannat made aloo paratha for him in the memory of Jeet bhai. Dev tells Satpal that he will not forgive Mannat and walks away. Satpal tells Mannat to give Dev some time and Dev tells Satpal that she will prove her innocence.
Dev tells Sakshi that he is going outside for some work and will be back a little later. Ashish asks Dev where he is going but he doesn’t answer her and walks away.
Falak comes to meet Mannat and she shows the video clip in which Rudra was mixing something in her mocktail. Mannat gets angry with Rudra and decides to teach him a lesson. Babita and Annu listen to the conversation and they plan something. Mannat and Falak leave to talk to Rudra and Annu collides with Mannat so that she can break the proof of innocence of her.
Mannat tells Rudra how dare he mix drugs on her drinks. Rudra denies and tells her that she is having some misunderstanding. Mannat tells Rudra that she has the video evidence. Rudra tells Mannat that she is very clever and he will tell everyone that it was his drink. Mannat tells Rudra that he will tell everyone but Rudra holds her hands and tells her he is not afraid of her. Rudra threatened Mannat.
Mannat comes back home and Jaydeep asks Mannat where she has been gone without informing anyone.
Sakshi shows the pictures of her with Rudra. Mannat gets shocked to see the photographs. Jaydeep tells Mannat he regrets to call his Bahu. Mannat tries to explain to Jaydeep about the reason and she tells him the reason but Annu and Babita interrupt her. Mannat tells everyone that she never drinks and on that day Rudra mixes something in her mocktail. Mannat tells Jaydeep she has the proof.
The episode ends.
No precap.
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