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The episode starts with Satpal delivering the letter to Mannat. Satpal tells Mannat to give time to Dev because he is very angry and hurt. Mannat takes the letter and she goes to open it but Babita takes the letter and hands it over to Sakshi. Annu tells Sakshi that Mannat wants to become a veterinarian but Sakshi tears the letter and Sakshi tells Mannat that no one will support her. Mannat pleaded with Sakshi to allow her to give the exam because she has worked hard. Mannat tells Sakshi that she never wanted to get married to Dev but in some circumstances she is married to Dev and she is not living a normal life . Mannat tells Sakshi that she has studied hard for the exams so please allow her. Mannat picks up the pieces of paper and she tells Sakshi that she will give the exam anyhow. Sakshi sees how she will give the exam.
Mannat tries to stick the paper and thinks why she decides to thank Dev but Mannat realises that something is missing. Suddenly she gets a call from Rudra back to back. Mannat picks up the call and Rudra tells Mannat that he feels pity on her.

Rudra tells Mannat that he was feeling restless and that’s why he calls her. Mannat tells Rudra to relax but Rudra tells her that he will not be calm. Rudra tells Mannat that he is always with her and Mannat tells Rudra to stop her drama. Mannat tells Rudra that she handles everything and hangs up the call. Mannat remembers how Rudra was taking care in the party and forcing her to drink the mocktail. Mannat calls Falak to tell her why Rudra is calling her continuously which reminds her that Rudra might mix drugs on her mocktail. Falak tells Mannat that Rudra has tried earlier also by mixing drugs on her father’s drinks and influences him to beat Jeet. Falak tells Mannat that her friends have taken some videos and photos and she is going to get it. Mannat keeps the phone and suddenly Mannat hears loud music. A servant tells Mannat to come down because there are some guests here to meet her.

Mannat sees Alisha coming with Shagun and she keeps the proposal to marry Dev in front of Sakshi. Babita and Annu want Alisha to be their Bahu. Sakshi tells Alisha that it’s not possible for her to marry Dev because he is already married to Dev. Alisha tells Sakshi that Dev likes her and now she will change the things. Alisha tells Mannat to take divorce and leave the house. Alisha tells Sakshi that she will show the courage to achieve Dev and she can do anything. Alisha tells Sakshi that Mannat can’t take her Dev from her easily. Sakshi tells Alisha that she also cares for Dev and she doesn’t want a girl like Mannat in her house. Sakshi tells Alisha that Mannat is after her Dev and because of her Dev got injured. Alisha tells Sakshi to support her and make the divorce possible. Dadu tells Alisha that this is wrong and you can’t do this. Alisha tells Dadu that they had done wrong with Dev and Alisha seeks help from Sakshi.

The episode ends.

Precap- Mannat tells Dev if he loves someone then why is he married to her. Dev tells Mannat that he had promised his brother and this is important for him.

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