Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on Justshowbiz.net
The episode starts with Chirag telling Deepika to get up and Chirag instructs the doctor to see Ragini and Mishka to sit beside her.
Chirag drags Deepika and pushes Deepika. Ashu reminds Chirag that Deepika might be hurt and Lavanya apologises to Deepika for Chirag’s misbehaving. Prithvi gives explanations to Chirag that Deepika just came to see Ragini leaving her daughter behind who is also ill. Deepika tells everyone that she doesn’t care whatever Chirag tells her. Chirag throws Deepika out of the house and shuts the door. Lavanya tells Chirag that Ragini needs a mother like Deepika but Chirag doesn’t want to bring her.
Chirag tells Lavanya that he will not bring Deepika and if she doesn’t stop then he will harm himself. Ashu and Neelima tell Lavanya that they will handle Chirag. Prithvi hugs Lavanya and Lavanya assures Prithvi that she will bring Deepika.
The doctor tells Chirag that she didn’t find any other symptoms for the fever but the fever is still rising and if it doesn’t stop then they will have to admit her to the hospital. The doctor suggests Chirag to call that woman who Ragini wants her. Mishka tells the doctor about Deepika that she is a very clever and greedy girl. Chirag yells at Mishka for using some words against Deepika. Ashu and Neelima tell Chirag to think properly before making a decision.
Deepika learns from Lavanya that Ragini is still not well. Deepika tells Lavanya that she will send the kheer and rakhsha potli for Ragini which will heal her. Lavanya feels regret that she is unable to tell the fact to Deepika and Deepika assures that Swara and Swari will handle everything.
The next morning the doctor didn’t find any improvement on Ragini’s health and the doctor suggested Chirag to admit Ragini to the hospital.
Chandni comes to meet Ragini and she tells Chirag to take the first bite of kheer. Chandu insists Chirag to taste the kheer and she opens the tiffin. Chirag tastes the kheer and he asks Chandni who has made the kheer. Chandni tells Chirag that Ragini’s SM has made the kheer because Deepika told her to do so. Deepika makes a small story which will make Chandni believe. The doctor takes a leave and Chirag thinks why Deepika is doing this to meet her daughter. Chandni tells Baldev to give the bag to Doctor shab and tiffin. Chandni goes to bed and she kisses Ragini’s hand. Chandni tells Ragini to get well and she will not tease her. Chandni tells Chirag to sit beside Ragini and she will heal her. Chandni tells Chirag to give the raksha potli and she believes that Ragini will get well soon after she ties the raksha potli. Lavanya and Omkar watch everything. Chandni tells Chirag to concentrate because a miracle will happen but Chirag doesn’t believe it. Suddenly a miracle happens and Ragini opens her eyes. Chandni tells Ragini that SM sent kheer for her. Chirag feeds the kheer to Ragini and Mishka watches them.
The episode ends.
Precap- Chirag decides to take a big decision and the family members want to stop him.
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