Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on Justshowbiz.net

The episode starts with Chirag thinking thoroughly and he is about to faint but Prithvi holds him and offers him water but Chirag refuses to take water because he is also angry with him. Prithvi apologises to Chirag and he tells him that he can’t be like him although he will also become a father soon but he can’t separate his child from his family. Chirag tells Prithvi that he also does not want this separation but he doesn’t want to see Deepika with his Ragini. Chirag tells Prithvi that Ragini was complaining about him to Deepika and she asks him to go. Chirag tells Prithvi that he was hurt from Deepika but Ragini heals his pain but now everything is going out of his control. Prithvi reminds Chirag about his past when he left everyone for Deepika and now Ragini has the same upbringing which proves that Deepika is a very good lady. Ragini comes back home from school and she asks indirectly from Chirag who will take out her bags and who will kiss her. Chirag lifts up Ragini in his arms and kisses her. Ragini tells Chirag she is ready to go with him to London and over there she will eat ice-cream. Chirag promises her that he will give her lots of ice cream.
Chirag comes to thank Thakur ji and he informs Lavanya that Ragini is ready to go to London. Lavanya walks away but Chirag stops her. Chirag tells Lavanya to stop the hope but Lavanya tells him that Thakur ji still has the hope of their reunion. Lavanya reminds Chirag that she has searched everywhere for Deepika but they find her when her father’s life is in danger. Chirag asks Lavanya if Thakur ji wants his reunion then why Deepika cheated on him. Lavanya tells Chirag that he believes that Deepika has cheated on him and why he didn’t marry Mishka five years ago.

Chirag tells Lavanya that it’s a coincidence that he meets Deepika and they walk their way. Lavanya tells Chirag that he and Deepika are made for each other and they have blessings from Thakur ji. Lavanya tells Chirag if Deepika meets him again then he will not go to London and Chirag tells Lavanya if Deepika doesn’t come then she will not stop him. Lavanya leaves everything to Thakur ji and she wants Deepika back.
Chirag goes to the passport office with Ragini because he needs the passport on a priority basis. Ragini goes for the picture clicking and she meets SM. Ragini runs to meet SM and she tells her she is going to London. Deepika comes to deliver the flower to Mamta mam and Chirag remembers that his mother already told him about his meeting with Deepika. Chirag asks Deepika why she is here. Deepika tells Chirag that she has come to deliver the flower. Deepika tells Chirag not to take Ragini from her family and friends. The officer tells Chirag that there is a mistake in the application and Ragini’s mother is not mentioned. The officer tells Chirag that they had seen his passport and wrote his wife’s name. Ragini learns that her mother’s name is Deepika Mittal. Ragini gets happy to know the name because her SM name is also Deepika. Ragini rushed to tell Deepika but Deepika already left the office . Chirag tells Ragini that soon they will get her passport but Ragini wants to meet Deepika for the last time before leaving but Chirag declines her request.

8Chandni tells Deepika that Ragini is leaving for London and she will not meet her again. Chandni gets emotional and she hugs her mother. Chandni requests Deepika to stop Ragini. Baldev tells Chandni to search his phone. Deepika tells Baldev that she will also miss Ragini and Ragini is also like her daughter. Deepika gets a call from Lavanya and Lavanya tells her to stop Chirag. Lavanya tells Deepika to tell the truth to Chirag that Chandni is his daughter. Deepika declines Lavanya’s request. Lavanya tells Deepika that Chandu is not alone her daughter but Ragini is also just then Ragini comes back home.
Baldev tells Deepika that she will have to tell the truth to Chirag but Deepika tells Baldev that Chirag is married to someone else now. Ragini tells her grandparents that her mother and SM’s name is Deepika.

The episode ends.

Precap- Ragini goes missing and Chirag blames Deepika for it. Chirag found Ragini in the ally of Deepika’s house.

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