Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on Justshowbiz.net

The episode starts with Ragini searching for Deepika’s house but she doesn’t find it.
Chirag files the police complaint and he tells him to find his daughter as fast as possible. Deepika also searches for Ragini. Deepika comes in an alley where a political party meets up and Ragini Deepika is side by side. Lavanya also comes with Chandni in search of Ragini. Chandni assures Chirag that they will hopefully find Ragini. The police tell Lavanya to leave this area because soon there will be a curfew.

Deepika prays Sawre to help her to find Ragini and Ragini walks alone. Ragini gets tired and she faints. Chirag comes to Deepika’s house but he doesn’t find her. Suddenly Chirag sees Ragini lying on the floor and Chirag lifts up Ragini. Chirag doesn’t allow Deepika to touch her but Deepika is determined and she takes away Ragini inside to do her cure. The police warn Chirag to go inside the house as the position of the road is not good since he found his daughter. Deepika takes Ragini inside the house and cures Ragini with herbal tea. Ragini is having a fever and Chirag Deepika both takes care of Ragini. Deepika suggests Chirag to inform Lavanya because she is also worried for her and she gives her the herbal tea. Chirag asks Deepika to give him a charger or her phone to inform. Deepika tells Chirag that there is a landline here he can call from it but Ragini doesn’t allow Deepika Chirag to move from her.
Lavanya brings Chandni home and Mishka tells Lavanya that she heard from the junior doctor that Ragini has been kidnapped. Chandni tells Mishka that she is worried and Mishka tells her that she loves Ragini a lot. Mishka asks Chandni what she is doing here. Lavanya tells Mishka that they like Chandni as she is very special to them.
Ragini is recovering and Chirag went to call Lavanya.
Chirag calls Lavanya and she puts the phone on speaker mode. Chirag tells Omkar that Ragini has a fever and he is in Deepika’s house with her. Mishka gets insecure when Lavanya tells Chirag to stay overnight with Deepika and take care of Ragini.

Chirag tells Lavanya that he can’t stay here but suddenly he sees Deepika doing ayurvedic treatment. Deepika tells Chirag that she will not listen to him and she asks him to help her. Mishka wants to take Ragini to the hospital but Lavanya stops her. Lavanya asks Mishka why she is not interested in going to her home and she suggests not to go to that area because of the curfew. Lavanya calls Deepika and informs her that Chandni is with her. Chirag does according to her. Deepika tells Lavanya to keep Chandni with her and she will keep Ragini with her till the situation is not in control. Deepika thinks that Chirag is married now and she can stay with him.

The episode ends.

Precap- Chirag gets the hint that Chandni is Deepika’s daughter.

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