Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on Justshowbiz.net
The episode starts with Chandu telling Chirag that she also calls Sawri Mama to Deepika. Chirag asks Deepika what Chandni is doing with them. Baldev comes to take Chandni and Baldev thanks Lavanya for keeping Chandni with them. Lavanya tells Baldev that she has come to drop Chandni but she didn’t come to meet them. Chirag leaves with Ragini and Lavanya.
Deepika tells Baldev that Lavanya has told her to come for the puja and she will have to keep fast for her husband but Chirag is Mishka’s husband now. Baldev tells Deepika that Chirag is Chandni’s father and she deserves to keep the fast. Chandni listens to the conversation of Deepika and Baldev and she also wants to pray and fast.
Chirag tells his senior that he is leaving the hospital in the next 10 days but his senior tells him to stay for more than 1 month because the management hasn’t found anyone in his place. Chirag refuses but his senior insists him to give training to his junior doctor. Chirag agrees to do according to his senior. Chirag leaves and the senior informs Lavanya that he has done her work. Lavanya tells Omkar that they have now 4 weeks time to execute their plan. Lavanya tells Ragini to say good bye to their friends. Chandni shows a pamphlet to Ragini for a meet up camp with family and all the children will have to come with their family. Chandni asks Ragini to come but Ragini wants to come but her dad will not allow her. Lavanya tells Ragini that she will help her to get the permission but they will have to do according to her.
Chirag tells Mishka to set up the medical camp in chote krishna mandir. Chandni and Ragini come to meet Chirag and Chirag gets surprised to see them. Chirag and Ragini tell Chirag that they come with Dadi maa. Chirag apologises to Mishka for not saying hi to her. Chandu shows the application to Chirag and Mishka tries to influence Chirag not to take part because Deepika will also be there. Chirag says sorry to Ragini and Chandni because Ragini is no longer in the school. Chandni and Ragini request to participate in the camp and Chirag’s heart melts. Mishka gets jealous to see Chirag listening to his daughters. Lavanya thanks Thakur ji and now she will have to convince Deepika to participate in the camp.
Chandni and Ragini come to convince Deepika and Lavanya helps them. Deepika gets convinced and Lavanya thanks Thakur ji.
Deepika and Chandni come to pray in the temple for her husband and she can’t take her to meet her father. Chandni knows that Deepika has kept fast for her father and she wants Thakur ji to send her father. Suddenly a woman faints and a lady calls the doctor from the medical camp. Chirag comes to take that woman to his camp and Chirag throws water and flowers to Chirag. Deepika sees Chirag standing in front of her and Chandni calls her to pray.
The family meet up camp started and Chirag Deepika are participating in the camp.
Janvi knows that her in-laws will not take her to meet up camp and she is told to do the household work. Janvi finds a paper in which Lavanya and Omkar are making a trustee on Chandni and Ragini’s name. Janvi calls her lawyer to send the paper of transferring the house in her name. Prithvi listens to the conversation of Janvi of Janvi and he asks her. Janvi tells Prithvi that she is talking to her client.
Chirag asks Deepika what she is doing in the camp and the principal tells Deepika that she is here not as a teacher but a guardian. Chirag wants to know from Deepika why she is here. Baldev tells Chirag that Chandu’s mother is not well and she has sent Deepika to take care of Chandu. Chirag tells Baldev that he is enough to take care of Chandu but Baldev doesn’t want to listen to anything against Deepika and he walks away. Lavanya tells Chirag that he keeps on taunting Deepika and she thinks that he still loves her. Chirag tells Lavanya that Deepika has cheated on him. Lavanya apologises to Deepika. Omkar tells Lavanya that he didn’t expect that Chirag will be misbehaving with Deepika and they want no interruptions. Lavanya tells Omkar that interruptions have come and Mishka tells Lavanya that she is here for the moral support of Chirag.
Janvi does the forge signature of Omkar to get the house in her name but suddenly Prithvi comes and tears the papers. Prithvi tells the lawyer to leave and he tells Janvi that he will expose her.
Ragini wants to stay in the camp with Chandu and SM but Chirag doesn’t allow her. Chirag thinks that Deepika can cheat on anyone and he feels sad for her. Ragini tells Chirag that she will do according to him. Omkar tells Chirag that he has become a gambler who is gambling with his own daughter.
Chandu wants to set the camp beside Ragini but Deepika calls Chandu for lunch. Lavanya serves lunch to her family members and Chandu wants to eat pizza and sandwiches. Chandu tells Deepika that she is going for a walk.
Janvi tells Prithvi that his parents are worrying about only Chandu and Ragini then what will happen to their child and who will think about their child. Prithvi warns Janvi not to say anything about Chandu and Ragini and he doesn’t want any child because of her intentions. Neelima reminds Prithvi that Janvi is pregnant and he should not yell at her. Ashu tells Prithvi and Janvi to get ready for the dinner party at Mehta but Janvi doesn’t want to come with them. Prithvi allows Janvi to stay alone. Prithvi,Ashu and Neelima leave for the dinner party and the goons plan to loot the house as no one is in the house.
Omkar asks Ragini why she is not eating. Ragini tells Omkar that she doesn’t want to eat pizza and sandwiches. Omkar suggests Ragini to exchange her food with Chandu because Chandu is not eating the food. Mishka tells Chirag that she wants to see where Ragini is going and Omkar takes Chirag to show the banner of Ragini.
Janvi is all one and she decides to take care of herself and baby alone suddenly the goons show the knife and control Janvi.
Ragini comes to share her food with Chandu and Chandu is very happy to have her favourite food. Ragini wants to eat her tiffin and she requests Deepika to feed her. Chandu is happy to have her favourite food. Mishka comes to take Ragini but Deepika stops her. Mishka holds Ragini’s hand but Chandu tells her to leave Ragini. Chandu calls Mishka a cactus and Mishka insults Deepika. Chandu gets angry at Mishka for insulting her mother. Mishka drags Ragini and tries to blackmail her. Mishka warns Ragini to stay away from Deepika and Chandni. Mishka takes the tiffin and throws it in the dustbin.
The goons tell Janvi to show the locker on knife points. The goons take the cash and gold. Janvi attacks one of the goons and she gets pushed by a goon. Prithvi comes to save Janvi but she gets hurt. Ashu brings the police and they arrest the goons. Janvi requests Prithvi to save their child.
Chandu calls Ragini to play with them but Ragini doesn’t want to play. Mishka shows her eyes to Ragini and she tells her not to play with Chandu. Ragini pushes Chandu and she walks away. Ragini apologises to Chandu for pushing her and Ragini tells Chandu that Mishka is blackmailing her. Chandu decides to teach a lesson to Mishka.
Prithvi prays to Thakur ji . The doctor tells Prithvi that the baby is safe but Janvi is still unconscious.
Mishka tells Chandu to leave the hands of Ragini but they make Mishka run after her to teach her the lesson. Mishka fails to catch them and Lavanya and Omkar make fun of Mishka. Deepika and Chirag search for their daughters. Lavanya and Omkar make a plan in which Deepika and Chirag get locked in a classroom. Chirag tries to get the help but Chirag knows about her mother’s plan. Chirag tries to accuse Deepika but Deepika also accuses him but fortunately Chirag and Deepika are together in the classroom.
Prithvi cries of Janvi and he tells her to wake up. Janvi opens hers and Prithvi tells Janvi that the baby is safe. Janvi tells Prithvi that she was scared and unsecured with Ragini and Chandni. Prithvi assures Janvi that their baby is safe and Janvi realizes her mistakes. Prithvi assures Janvi that his father will also make trusts for their baby.
Chirag and Deepika start a funny argument. Chirag is unable to get the mobile network. Deepika and Chirag start feeling suffocated . Deepika starts coughing continuously. Chirag gives water to Deepika and asks her to keep calm. Deepika drinks the water and Chirag holds her. Chirag and Deepika have eye contact and they both get lost.
The episode ends.
Precap-Mishak locks Ragini and Chandni in a classroom. Ragini and Chandni call for help. Chirag accuses Deepika of playing mind games with him. Ragini fainted.
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