Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on Justshowbiz.net

The episode starts with Manager keep the phone back of Deepika on the table.
Mishka brings Lavanya home and she tells Neelima to bring Chirag’s first aid box. Mishka consoles Lavanya and everyone thanks Mishka for saving Lavanya. Ashu tells Lavanya that he has called Omkar also and he is coming. Mishka tells Lavanya that she has informed Chirag also but she didn’t get the call back. Mishka calls Chirag and she tells him that she has informed Deepika also. Mishka tells Chirag that why Deepika didn’t inform her. Chirag makes his way home to see Lavanya. Deepika learns from Chirag that his mother meets an accident. Deepika tells Prithvi about the accident and she tells the manager to arrange the car for them. Chirag comes back home to see his mother and Deepika Prithvi and Janvi also reach home. Mishka tells Deepika that she has informed her but refuses to accept. Lavanya tells Deepika that Mishka has called her in front of her. Deepika tries to justify herself in front of everyone and she continuously tells everyone that she has received any calls.

Neelima supports Deepika but Mishka is determined to prove herself . Mishka shows her phone to everyone that she has called Deepika and Deepika tells Prithvi Janvi to tell them that she was with them. Janvi shows the phone of Deepika to Lavanya which proves that Deepika has got the call. Lavanya tells Deepika that she is a careless girl and Deepika tells Lavanya that she is not a careless girl. Chirag yells at Deepika and Mishka to finish this issue.
Ashu tells Neelima that every time Deepika has proved herself innocent and they don’t know Mishka properly. Ashu tells Neelima that they want Deepika to prove herself innocent.
Deepika is confused because she hasn’t talked to Mishka. Deepika tries to justify Chirag but he refuses to trust her. Deepika decides to prove herself and then she faces him. Chirag walks away from the room.

Deepika takes the breakfast of Lavanya but Janvi takes her away to breakfast. Everyone gathers in the breakfast and Deepika brings the breakfast to Lavanya. Lavanya starts yelling at the servants and she throws the breakfast platter. Omkar tells Lavanya that she is disrespecting the food. Ashu tells Lavanya that Deepika always proved herself. Lavanya tells Ashu that she doesn’t take the guarantee if Deepika will kill her. Lavanya tells Deepika to leave the house but Deepika will not leave the house. Janvi suggests Deepika to leave the house for mom’s respect. Omkar tells Janvi to behave herself. Chirag tells Lavanya to come with her and have breakfast in his room. Mishka comes to see Lavanya and she tells Chirag to take care of Lavanya aunty. Ashu tells Mishka that she knows about the condition but she still argues with Deepika. Lavanya tells Ashu that it’s not Mishka’s fault and she tells Deepika a shameless girl because she has left the house yet . Mishka tells Lavanya what Deepika will do and how she will manage her expenses . Deepika thrashes Mishka by telling her that she is capable of managing the business and relationships properly. Deepika tells Mishka that she will prove to everyone that she has spoken to her. Deepika challenges Mishka.

The episode ends.

Precap- Deepika challenges to prove her innocence. Prithvi suggests Deepika to see the video footage. Mishka gets scared.

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