Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on Justshowbiz.net
The episode starts with Deepika’s cough and calms down after Chirag helps her. Chirag asks why she didn’t consult a doctor when he is having such a severe cough. Deepika says she doesn’t trust doctors anymore. Chirag then accuses her of trying to get back into his life via Ragini. Deepika replies that he should get his vision and mind checked as he can’t differentiate who is trying to enter his house. Chirag asks who? Deepika says he should find out himself as she is here for Ragini’s help. Chirag says Ragini doesn’t need her help. Peon opens the classroom door and taunts Chirag with a song Hum tum ek kamre me band ho. Chirag storms out of the room angrily suggesting Deepika to get her cough treated. Deepika starts searching for Chandu/Chandini. Chirag notices Mishka drenched in water and asks what happened to her. Mishka says Ragini broke her promise and met Deepika again with Chandu’s help. She describes how she was following Ragini and Chandu and how Chandu pushed her in water and ran away. Chirag warns her to stop complaining about his daughter and lets him handle his daughter. Mishka stands fuming.
At night, the teacher announces a game, explains its rules, and forms teams with Ragini and Chandu as team A. Lavanya and Omkar ask Chirag and Deepika to participate with Ragini and Chandu. Chandu murmurs in Lavanya’s ears that she will not let Chirag know that Deepika is her mother. The other team wins the first round. Chandu asks Chirag and Deepika to stop standing silently and participate or else they will lose. They win all the next rounds, winning the competition. Mishka walks away jealous. Ragini and Chandi hug their parents and make them high five.
Mishka bribes a person to execute her plan. Chirag sees his parents dancing and imagines dancing with Deepika on Tumse Kiran Dhoop Ki song. Lavanya walks to him and suggests him to reconcile with Deepika and lead a happy family life. Chirag walks away and thinks why he is thinking about Deepika. Mishka’s puppet peon lures Chandu and Ragini with an ice cream and informs them that they can find ice cream in a backside store room. They walk near the room. Mishka pushes them inside and locks the door from outside. Chandu pleads with her to open the door. Mishka thinks they were trying to reunite their parents, but she will not let that happen.
Ragini panics seeing darkness. Chandu cheers her up and assures her that someone will come for help. Deepika and Chirag search for Chandu and Ragini. Mishka accuses Deepika of making Ragini disappear. Chirag as usual falls for her lies and warns Deepika that if something happens to Ragini, he will not spare her. Omkar warns Chirag to mind his tongue. Chirag says he is right. Deepika says Chirag loses his senses in anger under Mishka’s influence. She says if Ragini is his daughter, even Chandu is her stop seeing Lavanya. She then with Baldev goes in search of the kids. Lavanya confronts Chirag for his senseless behavior.
Neelima comforts Jahnvi and asks her to rest. Once she leaves, Prithvi asks Jahnvi not to misjudge his family as they are equally worried for her child. Neelima walks away. Deepika opens the door hearing Chandu’s voice and finds children there. She finds Ragini unconscious and gets the kids out. Chirag and others gather. Deepika informs them that Chandu told someone to push them inside and lock the door from outside. Mishka thinks how Deepika always reaches the spot on time. Ragini notices Mishka’s ring and recalls her pushing them inside the room. Chirag accuses Deepika again. Lavanya warns him to stop accusing Deepika.
Deepika requests her not to scold Chirag and says let’s get out of the place first and return home. Baldev says he will get an auto. Lavanya insists to drop Deepika home and asks Chirag to get his car. Mishka fumes seeing her plan failing.
Precap- Teacher brings unconscious Chandu to Chirag and says she found her in the corridor. Chirag asks the teacher to call Chandu’s mother and is shocked to learn that Deepika is Chandu’s mother and Ragini’s Savri mamma.
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