Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on Justshowbiz.net
The episode starts with Deepika playing a song in the car and everyone enjoys the song. Deepika encourages Chandu and Ragini. Deepika reaches her house with Chandu and Ragini cries badly for her SM. Deepika tells Ragini to stop her crying and she promises to call her. Lavanya thinks that this incident will melt Chirag’s heart.
Chandni calls Ragini in her house with close eyes. Deepika tells Chandu to open her eyes and gives the prashad to Chandu. Deepika tells Chandu about the vasant panchmi. Chandu tells Deepika to give the prashad to Ragini. Deepika learns from Lavanya that Ragini is not well and Chirag tells Lavanya that Ragini gets fainted.
Ragini has been admitted to the hospital and she keeps on repeating SM. The doctor tells Chirag to call her SM or else her life will be in danger. Mishka tells Chirag not to call Deepika because she will control him. Neelima calls Mishka a selfish woman and Lavanya tells Mishka that Ragini needs her SM. Omkar tells Chirag to bring Deepika otherwise he will go pick her up. Mishka tells Chirag if she brings Deepika then anything can happen to Ragini.
Lavanya shows Mishka to Ragini and she tells Chirag to bring Deepika if anything goes wrong with Ragini then she will not forgive her. Chirag tells Deepika to get his Ragini back to normal because he loves her a lot. Deepika tells Chirag that she also loves Ragini and Deepika tells Ragini to open her eyes. Ragini opens her eyes and holds her hands. Deepika tells Ragini that she has scared everyone and she asks her to promise everyone that she will take care of her. Ragini refuses to promise because she wants her in her life. Ragini tells Chirag that she doesn’t want to go to London and Chirag accepts Ragini’s request. Mishka sees that everything is going from her eyes and she wants everything in her control. Chandni tells Ragini to get well soon and Deepika promises to meet Ragini in the school. Chirag thinks that Chandni is hiding something from him regarding Chandni.
Chandni tells Baldev that Ragini is not going to London anymore and she will stay here. Deepika tells Baldev that Ragini really needs a mother and why Lavanya talks to Mishka in a strange manner when she is the mother of Ragini. Deepika thinks that there is nothing between Ragini and Mishka.
Chirag comes to Deepika’s house and she expects that Chandu is here. Chirag tells Deepika why Chandu is here and he is here to take her to his house because Ragini is not eating anything. Deepika remembers the humiliation which Chirag had given her . Deepika tells Chirag that she will not go and she wants Ragini to stay here. Chirag tells Deepika that Ragini will not be here in this situation. Deepika tells Chirag to bring Ragini while she prepares the food for Ragini.
Ragini tells Deepika that her father has allowed her to stay with her. Chirag says good bye to Ragini and he meets Chandu. Ragini and Chandu push Deepika in Chirag’s arms. Ragini and Chandni want Chirag to get married to Deepika then they will have fun together.
The episode ends.
Precap- Teacher brings unconscious Chandu to Chirag and says she found her in the corridor. Chirag asks the teacher to call Chandu’s mother and is shocked to learn that Deepika is Chandu’s mother and Ragini’s Savri mamma.
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