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The episode starts with Sakshi tells Ganga Abhay that she hasn’t mixed anything in the food. Sakshi tells Abhay that Ganga is always after her and Sakshi erases the proof. Ganga tells everyone that she just says Sakshi mixing poison in the food. Sakshi picks up the food from the floor to prove that Ganga is wrong. Kirti tries to stop Sakshi but she is determined to prove Ganga wrong. Abhay tells Ganga that he was thankful to her because she has saved Kirti but he only loves Sakshi. Abhay tells Ganga to go because he doesn’t want to see her face. Ganga tells God that she is not wrong and Amma ji is saved. Ganga thinks if the food is mixed with poison then she won’t be able to forgive herself . Sakshi tells Ganga that one day she will make her dream true then she will be totally destroyed. Sakshi tells Ganga that she has burnt crackers in the Shastra room to hurt Kirti and she has worn her saree to file the complaint. Sakshi tells Ganga that she will mix the poison on Amma ji’s food and she will also destroy Abhay. Ganga tells Sakshi that she doesn’t know the meaning of her name and she will thrash her in a moment.

Sakshi tells Abhay that Ganga is after her without any proof and she has decided to leave the house. Abhay tells Sakshi not to leave the house. Detective Rohan comes and tells Abhay that he has got the proof that a woman disguises herself and she has changed the dress in a public toilet. Rohan tells Abhay that he will get the cctv footage soon and he hands over the glasses and cap to Abhay. Rohan asks Abhay if his wife is here. Sakshi shakes hands with Rohan and she introduces herself to Rohan as Abhay’s wife. Rohan tells Abhay that he has just met Ganga at the gate who introduces herself as Abhay’s wife. Sakshi thinks Ganga is introducing herself as Abhay’s wife to everyone and she has to make a strong move against Ganga. Abhay tells Sakshi that someone will come from the detective office to take 10000 rupees.

Sakshi climbs on the balcony and starts blackmailing Ganga. Ganga calls Abhay to help her. Abhay runs to save Sakshi. Ganga pulls Sakshi and saves her. Ganga tells Abhay that Sakshi was trying to keep the clothes. Abhay does the first aid treatment of Sakshi and Ganga. Sakshi learns from Ganga that she knows all her moves. Sakshi challenges Ganga that she can’t stop her.
Sakshi calls her father to bring the paper to her. Ganga prays in the passage and she listens to everything. Ganga follows Sakshi to know the truth.
Sakshi’s father tells Sakshi that she has married Abhay to get his property but Ganga is coming her way to interrupt her. Sakshi’s father tells Sakshi that Ganga will not do anything and he suggests her to get the sign in the paper as fast as possible. Ganga takes the video of Sakshi and her father to show everyone about her.

The episode ends.

Precap- Ganga tells Sakshi that she will expose her and she shows the video to her also. Ganga tells Sakshi that she has given the footage to Abhay also. Sakshi runs to stop Abhay.

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