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The episode starts with Jariburi telling Durga that her mother is alive and not dead. Durga asks Jariburi what she means. Jariburi reveals to Durga that she is her mother’s aunt and has come looking for her. Jariburi explains that she has been searching for Durga’s mother for a long time and recently discovered that she is alive. Durga asks Jariburi where her mother is. Jariburi says she knows her mother’s location but insists it is not the right time to disclose it. She tells Durga that she will reveal her mother’s location once Durga achieves something in life.
Durga questions Jariburi about why she didn’t tell her all of this earlier. Jariburi replies that she was waiting for the right time. She further explains that Vikram has locked up Durga’s mother in a room, keeping her alive by giving her food occasionally. She reveals that Durga’s mother has become mentally unstable due to her confinement. Jariburi tells Durga that she is revealing this now because Durga has become a target of the Rathore family and adds that it is fortunate that Anurag is on her side. However, Durga asserts that she doesn’t need Anurag’s help.
Meanwhile, Anurag confronts Vikram, stating that Durga is a part of their family. He reminds Vikram of his promise to help Durga pursue her studies. Vikram responds angrily, saying he already instructed everyone not to mention Durga’s name in the house. Anurag challenges Vikram, questioning why he lied about Durga visiting the hospital with Rajesh and pleading for forgiveness for her husband. Vikram deflects the question, claiming Anurag doesn’t know the full truth. He goes on to say that Rajesh is dead and accuses Durga of killing him.
Later, Jariburi notices that Durga is upset with Anurag. She tells Durga that if Anurag is upset with her, it’s likely because someone has poisoned his mind against her. Jariburi advises Durga to use the Rathore family to achieve her goals and then confront them to rescue her mother.
Madhav steps out of his room, and Panibai tells him that everyone is worried about him. Madhav responds and announces his decision to leave the house. Vikram opposes Madhav’s decision and declares that he is not going anywhere. Savitri also questions Madhav, asking if her feelings mean nothing to him since he made this decision without consulting her. Madhav assures Savitri that he has no complaints against her and expresses his gratitude for raising him like her own son. He becomes emotional. Anurag then insists that Madhav isn’t going anywhere and must stay with them.
Anurag gets ready to leave for Kinsar. Vikram warns him, reminding him of the family’s rules and stating that failure to follow them will result in his expulsion from the family. Ignoring Vikram’s warning, Anurag leaves.
Anubhav calls Jariburi, who hands the phone to Durga. Anubhav informs Durga that Anurag has left for Kinsar to meet her. Durga becomes worried for Anurag, fearing what Rajesh’s henchmen might do to him. Meanwhile, Anurag vows to reach Durga.
Episode ends.
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