By Anil Merani: Talented actor Srishti Jain is enjoying a genre change. After doing positive leads (Meri Durga and Main Mayke Chali Jaungi), she is now playing a Komalika-like character in the Zee TV show Kumkum Bhagya “It was pretty tricky for unlike positive characters here, we don’t have any personal similarities with the character. Also, Monisha is ultra-confident, while I am a jhali girl. I am uncomfortable with heels, but I had to wear them as that is how Monisha carries off herself. I stumbled on the set, but now I am getting the hang of things.” said she.
Here, Srishti informs us that the creative initially zeroed in on Priyamvada Kant as the new Kumkum Bhagya negative lead late last year. ” But she was unable to impress. You need a better actor to ace a negative lead, and I am lucky to have pulled it off. The response is far beyond my expectations. I thank my team and co-stars for hand-holding me during the process.”
“I also doff my hat to the writer for making Monisha an integral part of the story,” says she.
“I start any project with low expectations, wanting to avoid getting hurt. But I am glad to have lots of love. Luckily, today, the audience has wised up and don’t viciously troll hostile role actors. Few do, but then I ignore them.” says she.
Srishti, who had done positive roles (Suhani Si Ek Ladki, Main Mayke Chali Jaungi before, seems to have had her fill. “After nine family drama shows, the audience wants me to try something new. Next, I want to try the action genre.”
“Even the main leads I did differed from your doormat type. Durga was an athlete, and I want to give a positive message. “asserts she.
While Srishti would love to do OTT projects, its bold content is a turn-off. “Hats off to the girls who do it, But I want to do shows that I can watch with my family.”