Kumkum Bhagya Weekly update
This week’s Kumkum Bhagya started with Ranbir drops Prachi at home and asks if she wants to tell him something. Prachi goes inside after congratulating Ranbir for his engagement. Aliya brings clothes to Tanu and asks her to get ready. Tanu asks if Judge is agreed. Aliya says I lied to him so he agreed so make it look like a normal wedding and make sure Noone founds Abhi condition. Tanu says they will found. Aliya says they won’t and everything is done and she reminsces how She made Abhi agree to this marriage by giving him chocolates and toys. Aliya says Gayathri helped us by telling how to handle Bhai and I handled him in that way and he agreed to marry you. Tanu says Behenji girls give us problems along with lesson too and she goes to get ready.
Mitali guides servants and than she asks where is Gayathri. Servants says Gayathri went to home.Mitali calls Gayatri and asks her to come back to home immediately. Pragya reaches to home and gets shocked seeing the wedding arrangements and she tells Aliya that Abhi can’t marry because his health condition is not good. Aliya scolds her and sends her to do kitchen work. Ranbir asks Pragya to stop the wedding and both of them ruins the mandap according to their plan. Pandit tells them to stop the wedding saying it will last only for a month. Aliya tells him that she don’t believe superstitions and asks him to start the marriage once mandap is set. Ranbir and Pragya are in the meter room to cause a blackout, Mitali gets a glimpse of Pragya’s face. Ranbir scares Mitali and gets escape with Pragya from that room.
Tanu goes to Pallavi room for touch up. Lights come back on because of Vikram. Aliya goes to bring Tanu. Ranbir asks Pragya to stop Aliya until he executes the next plan. Gayatri tries to stop Aliya by threatening to compaint to police if she won’t stop the marriage. Aliya feels suspicious then she demands Gayathri to unveil her face. Gayathri denies. Ranbir mixes sleeping pills in Tanu water which make her feel drowzy, Aliya goes to room and thinks Tanu is drunk and she manages to bring Tanu to mandap. Ranbir goes to fix the meter room before anyone caughts their act but he connects the wrong wires which causes fire near the mandap. Pragya supports Abhi until fire around them gets controlled.
Judge Narula overhears that Abhi health condition is not good than he leaves from venue after throwing the teared power of attorney papers at Aliya face. Tanu notices a glimpse of Pragya’s face in her Drowsy state and Ranbir assures to Pragya that Tanu won’t remember anything. Aliya asks Gayathri to leave, While leaving Pragya learns Aliya plan to take over business. nextday Aliya scolds Tanu for spoiling their plan and she praises Gayathri than Tanu reveals to Aliya that Gayathri is Pragya, they goes to confront her but learns from Mitali that Gayathri went out with Abhi.
Abhi enjoys the ice cream than Pragya recognises the Killer nearing them than she asks Abhi to run with her to parking place saying it’s race then she tries to look for the driver but he is nowhere to be found than she hides Abhi in a car’s trunk and distracts Killer towards her. Abhi come out of his hiding place after noticing Pragya is getting strangled by killer and he hits Killer with bat. Killer overpoweres Abhi and hurts him which make him unconscious. Killer flees away once crowd starts gathering near Parking. Pragya informs everything to Aliya and she asks Pragya to bring Abhi to home. Aliya and Tanu scolds Gayathri for taking Abhi to outside. Gayatri tell them that somebody is trying to kill Abhi. Aliya unveils Pragya face and blames her for Abhi’s miseries. Doctor informs his nurse that Abhi’s chances of recovery has increased because of the shock. Tanu and Aliya asks Pragya to leave from home but Pragya denies to leave. Dadi comes to support Pragya but Aliya and Tanu throws Pragya out of the house.
Pragya reaches to home in distress. Saritha behen gets worried with Pragya state and she asks her what happened. Pragya explans everything to her than she goes to mandir and demands the goddess that if she wants her to keep faith in her “either return my husband to me by curing his health or end my life”. Pragya’s prayers get answered, Abhi wake up shouting Pragya name. Pragya sensed it and tries to leave the house to meet Abhi but Sarita stops her by saying it’s her illusion. At office Prachi helps Ranbir by giving him mechanic number and he asks her to stay back until the rain gets controlled.
Aliya, Mitali, Baljeet and Rhea gathers at hall after hearing Abhi’s voice. Mitali make Aliya gets scared with her questions. Abhi comes out from his room and searches for Pragya, Aliya tries to malign Pragya image infront of Abhi but Baljeet stops her and reveals everything to Abhi how Aliya stopped Pragya to enter near him and how Pragya entered the house as Servant to take care him and how she saved him from Aliya torture. Abhi assures Baljeet that he will set everything and he goes to meet Pragya. Tanu angrily goes than Aliya follows her. Prachi about to slip at office while going to prepare coffee but Ranbir saves her on time and both losts in eachother eyes.
Next week viewers gonna witness that Abhi will asks Aliya to leave the house along with Tanu. Aliya will looks baffled. Abhi will go to Pragya’s home. Pragya will open the door and gets surprised after seeing him than both happily hugs eachother.
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