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The episode begins with Jagtap questioning Ashika about her whereabouts during Isha’s accident. Rajat stands up and claims that Ashika was with him on November 2. The judge asks Rajat to step into the witness box. Meanwhile, Ashika urges Rajat to manage the situation. Jagtap continues to press Rajat with tough questions, but Savi intervenes, asking Jagtap to stop harassing Rajat. The judge then adjourns the session to the following day.
Outside the courtroom, Jagtap confronts Savi, asking why she stopped him from exposing Rajat’s lies. Savi reveals that Rajat was with Isha that day but lied in court. She says, “Even though Rajat didn’t acknowledge our relationship, I care about him. I don’t want his character to be questioned or his reputation to be tarnished.” She pleads with Jagtap not to pursue questions that could damage Rajat’s image. Reluctantly, Jagtap agrees. Unbeknownst to them, Rajat overhears their conversation.
Meanwhile, Bhagyashree confronts Tara, asking why she supported Ashika in court. Tara responds that she is supporting Rajat and leaves for her room. Bhagyashree breaks down, expressing her hatred for Ashika for causing problems in their family. Later, Rajat drops Ashika home and advises her to warn her boyfriend not to create further trouble.
Later that evening, Savi and Rajat return home. Sai tells them she wants to go out for dinner with them. Both Savi and Rajat refuse, but Sai insists and becomes adamant, even threatening to go on a hunger strike if they don’t agree. Frustrated, Sai storms off. Savi then talks to Sai, making her realize her mistake. Sai apologizes to Savi and asks her not to fight with Rajat anymore. Savi agrees. Observing this, Rajat reflects, thinking, Savi is correcting Sai’s mistakes, while Ashika and I are busy hiding Kian’s mistakes. Sai overhears this and apologizes to Rajat for her behavior. She insists that Savi and Rajat reconcile and become friends, and they agree. Sai then asks them not to fight again and insists they sleep together after dinner as a gesture of unity. They reluctantly agree.
Later that night, Savi, Sai, and Rajat share a bed. As they lie down, Sai joins Savi and Rajat’s hands, saying she wants to sleep this way. Once they fall asleep, Sai quietly leaves the room. The next morning, Savi wakes up to find Rajat still holding her hand. Rajat wakes up as well, and Savi awkwardly pulls her hand away before leaving to look for Sai.
At the next hearing, Jagtap questions Rajat, challenging his claim that he took Isha to the hospital. He asks how Rajat could have been with Ashika at the same time. Rajat tries to cover up by saying Ashika was with him in the car. Jagtap counters by stating he has evidence to prove Rajat is lying and requests the judge’s permission to question Aman. The judge grants permission. Aman testifies that Rajat was with him on November 2 and that Rajat is lying. He also presents evidence to back his claim. Jagtap concludes that Rajat and others are conspiring to protect Ashika with lies. He firmly states that Ashika is the real culprit in Isha’s case and deserves to be punished.
Episode ends.
Precap: Ashika has a nightmare about Kian. She wakes up shouting Kian’s name. Harsh teases her, saying, “Morning dreams often come true; you should be careful.”
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