Choti Sarrdaarni Spoiler Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on
Colors popular show Choti Sarrdaarni is witnessing reunion track of Meher, Sarabjit and their kids. In the upcoming episodes, it will be worth to watch how Meher will save her family from Kulwant and marriage from Harleen.
In the current track Meher dropped the kids to school. Param, Karan and Seher separated from each other for their classes. While Meher received a call from Siddhi’s mother. Seher’s new classmates teased and bullied her for her imperfect English.
Teacher scolded and asked students to behave properly with new student. After talking to Siddhi, Meher talked to Sarab on call when he got a leg pain but hid it from Meher.
Sarab planned a new room surprise for Seher. Harleen came and got angry on him for not taking rest. Servant asked him what to do with his engagement cards with Samaira. He recalled engagement day and went to Samaira for apologizing to her.
Samaira forgave him but Harleen got determined to make Sarab and Samaira marry each other. At school Yuvi and other students troubled Seher and wrote “Meri Maa Khooni Hai” on Seher’s arm. She fought Yuvi with her full strength. Teachers came seeing all the drama. All students blamed Seher for hurting Yuvi. Seeing all suspecting eyes Seher ran away from there blabbering that “I did nothing”. She locked herself in the chemistry lab and by mistake made different chemicals fall on the floor.
Seher, Param, Karan, teachers and other students got scared seeing the chemical’s smoke. Sarab and Meher reached school after receiving call from school and brought Seher out from the lab. They got shocked knowing what Yuvi did with Seher. They stood up to take Seher home but students in the corridor threw red ink on Meher’s clothes and called her a murderer.
In the upcoming episodes Param will be seen asking Harleen that if Meher really murdered Jagga. Selfish Harleen will lie to him that Meher really killed Jagga. Meher will get disappointed hearing Harleen lying to Param.
Will Param believe Harleen’s lie and hate Meher? Will Meher be able to remove murderer tag from herself? What will Sarab and Meher do to handle their kids after this incident? Will Karan and Seher too raise questions on Meher? Will Meher again think to run away from Sarab or fight for herself and her family? Will Kulwant and Harleen fall more than this to trouble Meher?
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