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The episode starts with.Amma ji tells Alka that Sonali had hurted him a lot and she had made this house a war zone thats why she send her back to her sausural. Amma ji tells Alka that this is also Sonali’s house but she will stay happy in her sausural. Amma ji cries and worries for Agastya because he is not picking up the calls and not replying of the messages.Amma ji gets panic as feels if Agastya might committ suicides. Alka gets worried seeing Amma ji and hears a gun shoot sound and cries.Alka takes the phone and calls Agastya but he is not picking up the phone. Alka tells Amma ji that he is not answering the phone.

Suddenly Alka hears badi maa and she turns back. Alka sees that Agastya call her and she went to him as she feel like her own calls her. Agastya is surprise to see that Alka call him . Alka realises that he is not her own son and went back to her room. Amma ji cries and hug Agastya. The family members are happy that Agastya is back. Amma ji asks Agastya that who finds you. Agastya points Imlie. Imlie tells Amma ji that she she don’t her Bahu properly because she have lots of informers in Purwaiya.

Amrit sees tha video clips and asks Sonali about it. Sonali tells Amrit that Imlie showed this video and start blackmailing her to withdraw her name from the business. Sonali tells Amrit that Imlie controls her and snactch the business from her hand. Amrit tells Sonali that the new bahu is very courageous. Amrit tells Sonali that all the stragies of Imlie are finished now and he plans to take the revenge and bring back the business back again in Sonali’s hand.

Amma ji gives lots of blessings and love to Imlie. Rajni praise Imlie also. Amma ji tells Imlie she have to stay hunger today because today is Karwa chauth. Amma ji gives a Karwa chauth attire to Imlie and tells her to wear this attire tonight.
Amrit starts searching for Sonali’s purse and Sonali asks what he is searching for. Amrit tells Sonali that he is searching for her and tells her that today is Karwa chauth so he is fasting along with her. Amrit takes the keys from Sonali’s purse.

Imlie takes the food and tells Amma ji that Agastya haven’t eat anything so she to taking the food for him. Amma ji tells Imlie not worry because Agastya is back and ask her to start preparing for Karwa chauth. Alka sees and curse for the happiness of this house. Amrit arrives Chaudhary Sweets with kerosene oil.

Imlie comes to Agastya and console him to forget the past and stay happy. Agastya tells Imlie that all those people who cares for him a good people like Amma ji,Govind etc. Agastya lyed down beside Imlie cries for his mother and father. Imlie thinks Agastya looks tough from outside but inside he have soft heart which is always hurted for his past.Imlie can’t understand what to do. Jugnu and Dolly knocks the door and Imlie open the door. They give the Jewellery to Imlie’s hand. Imlie try to tell Agastya to eat the food but Agastya tells her that he is going to help Amma ji. Imlie feels sorry that she is unable to help him.

Everyone is getting ready for Karwa Chauth. Rajni tells the moons always seen late in Karwa chauth. Govind tells Rajni tha he will bring the moon for her. Amma ji makes fun of Govind fitness. Agastya tells Govind to go gym with him.Imlie comes and everyone starts staring her except Agastya but suddenly Agastya sees Imlie in the attire which Amma ji gave her. Govind tells tthat the moon arrives along with Imlie. Amma ji tells that the moon comes to see her beautiful bahu.

Precap: Family prepares for Karva chauth ritual. Agastya gets a shocking call and informs Amma ji that there was a fire accident in their shop in which 2 workers died and their families filed a case on him, police is coming to arrest him. He walks away dropping Imlie’s karvachauth thali

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Imlie 11th November 2023 Written Update: Agastya in deep trouble