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The episode starts with Anupriya and Kabir celebrating their victory. Anupriya says the stupid family believed her story. Dadi says to Rddhima she knows that she has agreed for Anupriya’s sake. She gives room key to Rddhima asking to give it to Kabir. Kabir says Rddhima is stupid. She doesn’t even aware of the danger. Anupriya tells hereafter he need not to enter VR mansion in disguise, as he has full rights on this house.
Rddhima talks to herself whenever she was in any problem, Vansh helped her. She knows he would have done the same if he had been there. She adds its difficulty for her to face him. She wishes he was there with her.
Rddhima overhears Anupriya telling their dream come to be true. She enters the room. She questions which dream. Kabir diverts Rddhima saying his dream. He got the family that he was missing. He thanks Rddhima as he got his family through her. Rddhima gives his room key. She thinks she has difficulty to believe his words. She walks back recalling Anupriya’s words. Anupriya says Rddhima is becoming smarter and they should be more alert now. Kabir reassures Anupriya’s saying it will be too late when she will discover the truth.
At dinning table, Kabir says he has made cake for them. He says they lost the son of this family yet he wishes to bring some sweetness in their life. After ages he got a beautiful family. He got a Dadi. He serves cake to dadi. He got chachi. He serves cake to Chanchal. He serves cake to Ishani, who angrily says he can never take Vansh place and they will never let it happen. He can not even become his brother. Vansh dislike pineapple cake and they also. Dadi apologizes to Kabir on behalf of Ishani. She adds their wounds are fresh and they are worried. Rddhima says Ishani isn’t completely wrong. She says Kabir got a place in this family as Anupriya’s son but he can never get Vansh’s place in this house nor in their heart.
Vansh always ruled in their hearts. Though he’s no more, he will lives in their hearts till the end of life. Dadi agrees with Rddhima. She tells Kabir to create his own place in this house rather than trying to take Vansh’s place. Rddhima says doesn’t like pineapple cake as Vansh does not like it. She leaves without touching the cake. Dadi also does not eat cake saying she’s diabetic. She asks not to take Ishani in hearts and gives her some time. She leaves.
Kabir angrily shouts how dare she to insult him in front of all. Anupriya asks him to speak slowly as someone may hear him. He recalls Ishani’s words. He says he will make ishani call him Kabir bhai likee she used to call Vansh. He says Vansh has to vacate his place from this house and everyone’s heart. He adds he can’t wait more.. Anupriya shues Kabir seeing Rddhima, who thinks why Kabir wants to take Vansh’s place knowing that will never happen. She thinks to talk to him. Kabir’s wallet falls from his pocket when he climbs the steps.
Rddhima takes the wallet. She finds a Kabir and Anupriya’s picture. She wonders in this Kabir looks a teenager, how it’s possible if Kabir was separated from Anupriya when he was 5 years old. She suspectes Kabir and Anupriya are together since the beginning. She wonders if they are fooling all of them with their lie. She can’t come to a conclusion without any proof. She has to find a solid proof.
Anupriya says it’s risky to do all this. Kabir says Ishaani insulted him in front of whole family. Anupriya says she is not our priority. Whole property is on Dadi’s name They have to think how to handle Vansh will. Kabir says he’s no more a guest, he is in Vansh place and he deserves the same power and respect that Vansh got. He can do anything to get the same power and respect. He says he will teach a good lesson to Ishaani. He asks Anupriya to take rest letting him handling things.
Rddhima sees Kabir and Anupriya talking but she can’t hear them. She thinks it doesn’t look they have met after years. Rddhima sees Kabir angrily entering Ishani’s room and wonders if Ishani is in danger. She then hears Ishani’s voice and understands Ishaani is not in her room.
She goes inside Ishani’s room but she can’t find him as he hid behind the couch hearing footsteps. Rddhima leaves the room. Kabir says Riddhima can’t find the truth. He says Ishani should pay for hurting his ego.
Dadi asks Anupriya and Kabir sit in front of God to remove evil eyes from them. Anupriya thanks dadi for accepting Kabir. Dadi asks to thank Rddhima. She suggests to remove evil eye. They are lucky to get a bahu who cares for everyone. Kabir asks where is Rddhima. Dadi says she’s busy in some work.
Riddhima is in Kabir’s room searching for proof. She says to herself she feels they’re doing something wrong. She should protect her family from dangers the way Vansh wanted her to do. She keeps searching but can’t find anything. She decides to check in Anupriya’s room. While going, she notices Kabir school bag near swimming pool. She wonders how a mother can throw away her son’s memories. She finds school bags recipt inside. She finds yesterday dates in the bill. She contacts the shop and get to know that the bag has been bought two days before. She tells to herself everything was planned. She finds a letter inside and identifies that it’s Kabir’s handwriting. She realizes everything was lie. The both knows each other since the beginning. They are fooling us. She has to bring their truth in front of all. Just then Kabir comes there clapping his hands.
The episode ends.