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The episode starts with Ranbir’s family being seen making arrangements for the haldi ceremony. The ladies of the house are seen dancing. Param asks Meher if he wants to help her. Meher expresses her worries. Simran makes a request to Harman, but the latter refuses, so Simran complains to both Meher and Kamla. They both get into a funny argument. Ranbir arrives there, and he questions both Harman and Simran. Param teases Ranbir. Arjun also joins Param into teasing Ranbir.
At Sen’s house, Mahua demands Meghla to open her room door, saying the latter has to get ready. Meghla opens the door. Mahua passes a crude remarks on Meghla about her happiness. Meghla gets shocked. Chandan arrives there. He expresses his worries about Megha’s wedding arrangements. Mahua remains silent. Chandan then notices Meghla. He asks her to get ready. Mahua asks Meghla to get ready. She further taunts Meghla, so Chandan gets upset with the former. Chandan warns Mahua. Meghla gets extremely upset. Mahua asks Meghla to get ready with the clothes she brought for Adrija’s wedding. Meghla refuses, saying it’s belongs to Adrija. Mahua badly criticises Meghla for marrying Ranbir, who was Adrija’s fiancé. She then asks Meghla not to make her angry and demands her to get ready. Meghla gets hurt.
Back at Bajwa’s house, Arjun and Ranbir’s cousin’s teases Ranbir. Meher scolds them for pulling Ranbir’s legs. She then asks Ranbir’s cousin’s to leave, saying they don’t have any work here. Harman puts up an act of getting upset. Meanwhile, Mahua asks Adrija to wake up saying whatever is happening in her life is for her betterment. She also badly criticises both Ranbir and Meghla, unaware of Adrija’s unconscious state. Meghla gets sad while Chandan looks extremely upset.
There, Kamal takes Ranbir’s cousin’s side to let them be part of Ranbir’s haldi ceremony. Meher says Ranbir’s cousins are trouble makers, which Ranbir also agrees. So Ranbir’s cousin’s again teases Ranbir, but Simran takes Ranbir’s side. They all then inquire with Arjun about Shabnam. Arjun gets shy. Ranbir teases Arjun. Just then, Amarjeet arrives there. She expresses her happiness and blesses Ranbir. Meher asks Amarjeet to begin Ranbir’s haldi ceremony. The latter agrees.
Here, Mahua encourages Adrija to wake up and get ready. She also says that if guests question her lie to them , she called off her wedding for Meghla’s happiness. She then goes to check upon the wedding arrangements. Meghla breaks down. Chandan looks sad, too.
Back at Bajwa’s house, Ranbir’s haldi ceremony begins. Everyone applies haldi on Ranbir’s face. Ranbir’s cousin’s troubles him. Ranbir tells Param that he will take his revenge on the latter for sure. Simran teases Harman. Meher intervenes and asks both Harman and Param to take the haldi to Meghla’s house as they are getting late. But both of them again start teasing Ranbir, so Meher gives Simran the responsibility to send Ranbir’s cousin to Meghla’s house. Simran threatens them all, so all three of them leave for Meghla’s house. Meher expresses her happiness to Ranbir. They both share a hug.
There, Chandan expresses his hurt with Meghla for Mahua’s behaviour, saying he is ashamed of himself. Meghla shares her pain with Chandan. Chandan firmly tells Meghla that she can’t sacrifice her love and happiness at any cost. He also assures her that eventually, she will forget all the pain with Ranbir’s love. He further assures Meghla that Adrija will move on in her life, too. Mahua arrives and sends Meghla from there. Chandan questions Mahua’s behaviour. The latter asks him not to control her. She also says that she has completed her responsibilities towards Meghla, so she asks him not to expect from her anything more than this. Just then, Chandan hears Anurag’s voice, so he goes to invite him. Mahua smiles at Adrija’s back and then goes inside.
Precap: Meghla’s haldi ceremony begins. Meanwhile, both Mahua and Chandan get shocked to see Adrija’s unconscious state.
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