Jag Janani Maa Vaishno Devi – Kahani Mata Rani Ki 14th July 2020 Written Update on Justshowbiz.net

The episode starts with Vaishnavi telling Pavan Putra that now there is only one way to clear his doubts. She gets Lord Ram’s bow using her powers. Hanuma sees this and immediately bows down before Vaishnavi and salutes her. They both walk ahead but Hanuma still wonders if she is really Vaishnodevi. She asks Hanuma if there is any problem, he says he is thirsty and not feeling well, how can he protect her. She replies there is forest nearby and he can drink water but Hanuma says he can drink only Ganga Jal and not normal water. Then Vaishnavi asks him to find ganga jal himself, Hanuma searches for ganga jal by flying in the air but fails to find it. Vaishnavi then prays to Ganga devi to accept her request and bless that place with her presence. Lord Shiva says Ganga devi got Vaishnavi’s call and Ganga leaves from his hair. Vaishnavi and Hanuma see water breaking out of earth infront of them. Hanuma asks how can he believe if it is really ganga jal or not.

Then Ganga devi herself appears in the water. Hanuma salutes to Ganga Devi. Ganga asks him if he still has doubts or she have to give tests to prove its ganga jal, Hanuma apologizes her , Ganga says he need not apologize as his intentions are not wrong. Goddess Lakshmi says this place has seen Ganga devi invited through Ram’s bow, so this place will become famous as ‘ban ganga’ .

Ganga Devi says she and Hanuma wishes to see Vaishnavi’s devi avatar. She transforms as Vaishnodevi, Hanuma salutes her and apologizes for doubting her, Vaishnodevi tells him no need to apologize as he just followed Lord Ram orders. Ganga devi requests Vaishnavi to wash her hair in ganga jal, Vaishnavi agrees and does the same, Ganga says now the water have become more divine, all the devotees have to experience this, so she names this place as Banganga. Vaishnavi says whoever bathes in this water, all their sins will be washed out. Ganga disappears then and Hanuma asks Vaishnavi what are his tasks now, she asks him to rest for a while and she will call him when she needs him.

Vaishnavi goes into meditation. She hears a devotee Pandit Shridhar call and goes to him. She says he has faced many bad days, his wife is depressed about not having children and assumes other children as her own children, villagers scold her, he tells his wife to accept the fact that they can’t have children but she says there won’t be any problem if they have children and asks him to pray for Vaishnodevi. He tells Vaishnavi that he doesn’t have any fruits to give her as prasad, she tells him not to feel sad and gives him fruit and tells him they have to do kanya puja at their home and feed 9 children. Then she will bless them with children. He agrees and leaves.

Bhairav nath calls Vaishnavi and is on his way to reach her. Vibhuti nath tries to convince him to go to ashram and not run behind a woman. But Bhairav nath doesn’t pay heed to his words and ask him to leave if he wishes.

Vaishnavi gets angry on Bhairav nath that he didn’t learn his lesson yet. Bhairav nath feels why he is seeing same tree how much ever he walks, he feels its his illusion and progresses ahead but he sees same tree , he understands it is Vaishnavi’s game and thinks he is too good at these games and he will find a way to reach her. Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi say no one can meet Vaishnavi unless she wishes to meet them.

Pandit Shridhar shows the fruit Vaishnodevi gave to his wife, he tells her they have to Kanya Puja but feel sad as they don’t have Vaishnodevi idol. He tells for doing Puja there’s no need of idol but good interests. His wife puts a pot of rice and lights Diya and they pray for Vaishnodevi. Idol appears as Vaishnodevi blesses them.

Precap: Vaishnavi is eating along with her people, they see Bhairavnath coming to them with a cloth tied on his eyes and Vibhuti nath supporting him.