Jagriti Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on Justshowbiz.net
The episode starts with Durjan asking Kalikant why has he come here. Kalikant says to Durjan that he wants to invoke Goddess Vandevi. Durjan asks Kalikant if there is a special reason as they only invoke Vandevi on some special occasion. Kalikant says to Durjan that Kalindi made a mistake due to which Goddess Vandevi is angry with Kalindi. Kalikant asks Durjan to invoke Goddess Vandevi. Durjan agrees. Durjan asks Chitta people to make all the arrangements for it.
Ganga prays to God and decides to fight for her right as Kalikant’s wife. Ganga puts Mangalsutra around her neck.
Suraj complaints to Ganga and Gayatri that Akash is not coming to school today also. Akash says he has work today. Suraj says Akash only work is to help Jagriti and comments on it. Akash says to Ganga that he has to help Jagriti today and says he will go to school from tomorrow onwards.
Geeta says to Akash that if he wants to help Jagriti then he should also take Jagriti along with her to the school as she fought so hard for it. Ganga also agrees with Geeta and says to Akash that Geeta is right. Jamuna says to Geeta and everyone that Jagriti will not be able to go to school today as Kalikant and Kalindi went to shantytown to invoke Goddess Vandevi. Akash hearing it says to Suraj that he will go to school with them. Akash asks Suraj and Sapna to leave first and says he will get ready and come to school after that.
Durjan starts the ritual of invoking Goddess Vandevi. Akash asks Jagriti what is going on. Jagriti says to Akash that Durjan is going to invoke Goddess Vandevi. Akash worries about Goddess Vandevi telling the truth about them. Jagriti asks Akash not to worry.
It is shown Durjan spots Bindi with the disguise of Vandevi and Jagriti and asks them what is going on. Jagriti says to Durjan that she is doing this to get justice for Harish and asks Durjan to help them. Durjan says he will do what is right for the Chitta community.
Durjan acts as if Goddess Vandevi is invoked. Durjan says Kalindi make a sin and she will not be forgiven. Kalindi asks Kalikant to save her. Kalikant asks Goddess Vandevi to forgive Kalindi and says she is not an outsider and says he wants to marry Kalindi. Durjan hearing it asks Kalindi to do a Vrath for seven days and asks Kalikany not to marry Kalindi before that. Kalikant agrees.
Akash comes home and gives the news to Ganga and Gayatri about Kalikant’s decision.
Durjan says to Jagriti that he was able to get her a time of 7 days and she has to do what she wants before that. Jagriti agrees and decides to get justice to Harish within these 7 days. Jagriti leaves from there.
Kalikant and Kalindi return home. Gayatri asks Kalikant how can he take this kind of decision. Kalikant says he will decide how this house is run and says Pooja will go on for 7 days.
Geeta comes to Jagriti and questions Jagriti why is she not going to school. Jagriti says right now she is fighting for Harish justice and it is more important than her studies.
Episode ends.