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The episode starts with Indrasena mom informs to her daughter that she will bring that Thandav here. Indrasena alerts her mom that it’s not easy to bring Thandav here. He is praying to her immortal life. He WI kill the person who is trying to stop his pooja. He will do Pooja to yamadharman to get that boon. If she stop this pooja then he will chase her to kill in anger . She wanna brings him here smartly without getting caught. If she do it then her problem will be over. She nods and leaves from there.
Jyothi’s brother runs to there and finds Jyothi in unconscious state he wakes her up. She says to him that she don’t understand what’s going on here. Jyothi takes her brother to Sivagami’s room. She finds the nuptial chain is in that room. She feels relieve after seeing the nuptial chain. He complaints to her he can’t able to see anything here. She asks him to leave without making any noise. Jyothi asks him to hide this matter from all.
Thandav is praying to Yamadharma and asks him to give the immortal life boon to him after accepting his pooja. Indrasena mom enters into the forest to stop the Pooja. Thandav is praying to Agni dev. Indrasena’s mom tries to go near him but she can’t able to enter in because of the safety spell. She spit out the venom in that agni kund. Thandav finds the fire is not burning because of the venom. Thandav notices Indrasena mom and starts chasing her. She tries her best to escape from him and finally reached to the Boopatha temple. He attacks her and she falls down.
Indrasena stops thandav from killing her mom. She informs to him that done this to bring him here. He questions her who is she? He closes his eyes and finds who is she? Thandav questions her why is she inside the statue? Doesn’t she allowed to live inside the snake nest. Indrasena informs to him she is under curse. She pleads Thandav to cure her mom first. He cures her.
Indrasena informs to him if he listen her then he will get the immortal life. Thandav teases Indrasena that she can’t even cure her mom then how could she help him? She complaints that he don’t know her power. If she release from this curse then she can help him.
Indrasena informs to him that she know well that he is searching for the immortal life.
Indrasena informs to Thandav that there is Rathnamalikai near by. There is one servant with the name of Jyothi. If he brings her here then he will get the boon of immortal life. He says to her after all she is a servant how will he get the immortal life for this small work. Indrasena alerts him its not a easy job she is not a ordinary person. He assures to her and leaves.
Vasumathi and Padmavathi notices the climate is Changing out of the blue. Jyoti informs this to her mom also. Vaasu complaints to grandpa why is fire falling down from sky. Everything is happening wrong here. Grandpa informs to him this is not a good sign at all. All bad things taking place. If he asks to Sambavi then she will answer to him. Grandpa talking with his wife Sambavi photo. He says to her he is feeling something is wrong here. If she is alive then she would have ruled this Rathinamalikai. But they killed her without mercy. After her death also her soul is near him and talking with him. Only he and Vaasu aware of it. He asks Sambavi to explain him what’s going on here now? Sambavi comes out of the photo and roams around his head. She shows some incident to him. Grandpa stares it confused. Sambavi informs to him this house bad time gonna start after the Narasimha birthday function. She informs to him that soon she will be back and unite her body with her soul. Grandpa informs to Vaasu that Nagarathnam gonna reach to his hand soon. This is what Sambavi informs to him indirectly.
Jyothi is searching for Padmavathi all over the place and finds her in veranda. She questions her what’s bothering her? Padmavathi informs to her she is not feeling well. Jyothi asks her to be happy. Padmavathy complaints to her many peoples are in this house and lots of money also. But their heart are empty. No happiness in this house. Jyothi says to her soon everything will change. Padmavathi says to Jyothi that she is feeling bad. She asks her to convince Leelavathi. She wanna see her brother’s 70th birthday taking place without any problems.
Manasa questions Leelavathi Is she choosing the jewels to to wear in function. She informs to her these jewels she snatched from Padmavathi with her acting. Mithun alerts Leelavathi that Padmavathy is coming here. They hired the jewels and pretends like crying there. Padmavathy enquires Leela what happened. She says to her that no one understanding her pain at all. Manasa asks Jyothi to get out of that room reasoning they don’t need to share their family matters infront of servant. Padmavathy says she is also like this family. Manasa complaints she is not family members.
Padmavathy says to Leelavathi that she don’t know the truth it’s all just a guessing. One day truth will be out. Tomorrow Narasimha birthday she pleads Leelavathi to don’t create any problem in that function. Leelavathi says she don’t have husband at least she needs jewels to wear in that function. Padmavathi complaints its not a matter here. Padmavathy gives jewels to her and asks her to come to her room she will gift her more and leaves from there. Manasa and Mithun praises her acting and questions her Is really sad died or she acting? Leelavathi informs to him that Rajasekar and Janarthanan went to sale the property but only Rajasekar returned home and lied to all Janarthan eloped with money. He lied to all for that money so her only wish is to take revenge on that Rajasekar at any cost.
Rangan searches for Jyothi there. He takes her inside the room and informs to her that he saw a nightmare. He fears that something bad gonna happen here. Jyothi asks him to narrate it to him. He narrates it to him. Jyothi teases him and complaints he is day dreaming a lot. Manasa Cousin says to Manasa that she is worrying because Anirudh is coming. Manasa nods. She is praising him and admires his handsome face. They rushes to there to see him in video call. Anirudh is talking with his family members. Padmavathy Informs to Anirudh that Narasimha birthday is tomorrow so pray for him. He nods and cuts the call. Grandpa thinks let’s see how many days they are gonna be happy like this here? Thandav comes there and asks his light to show the girl to him. His light is going near all ladies but not giving any hint to him. He fins Jyothi finally and laughs. Photo grapher praises Jyothi beauty. Padmavathy is doing pooja to Narasimha and prays to him to unite her family. Grandpa challenges Narasimhave in his mind that he will rule this villa. Leelavathi thinks that she will ruin Rajasekaran.
Rajasekaran wishes to see his family united after his son come. Vasumathi questions priest Isn’t pooja over? Padmavathy doubts may something is missing. She invites Jyothi to throw flowers. Leelavathi dislikes it. Jyothi prays to Narasimha to fulfill Padmavathi prayer. Rangan thinks that he will fulfill the promise. Jyothi is real grand daughter of Narasimha when will she reveal the truth to all. Padmavathi asks the people to go and eat. Padmavathi informs to all that she was ruling this Rathinamalikai all these years now she got aged. She wishes to hand over this responsibility to Rajesekar. Grandpa complaints that already he is dealing the accounts. Padmavathy says that she is giving it to him officially now.
Photo graphed taking Jyothi video in all direction and making her laugh with their funny talks. She runs from there when they asks her to stand near snake nest. They gets shock to see snake there. Photo grapher is taking the video of snake. One more snake comes there and fights with each other. Drone camera flies inside grandpa room. Photographer gets shock to see that black magic room. He gets shock to see Sambavi photo is smiling. Vaasu comes there and questions them why are they here and snatches their memory card from them. Jyothi is searching Maari in Banana farm along with her brother. She asks Maari to bring the banana leaf soon. Thandavan is following Jyothi there. Indrasena says to her mom that Thandav started his job already. She gonna be free from her curse soon. Thandav controls Jyothi’s mind and takes her to Boopatha temple. One snake statue stops her. Indrasena alerts Thandav that Jyothi already stopped following him. He tries again to control her mind.
Episode end.