K-Drama My Lovely Liar Written Update on justshowbiz.net

The episode starts with Do Ha telling Sol Hee that he didn’t kill anyone but Sol Hee hears it as a lie shocking her. Just then Duek Chan comes there and takes Do Ha with him hurriedly. He tells Do Ha about Syaon saying about the past to Sol Hee and so wants her to sign an NDA to keep it a secret. Do Ha expresses his trust on Sol Hee that she won’t run her mouth but Deuk Chan is outraged. Do Ha confesses that he likes her. On the other hand, Sol Hee is thinking about the lie and couldn’t get any sleep. The nect day morning, she avoids Do Ha’s calks while Chi Hoon asks Sol Hee about the reason for Syaon visiting her. She calls Syaon a crazy. On the other hand, Deuk Chan confronts Syaon about when she found about Do Ha and she tells that it’s a week back. He lashes out at her for running her mouth despite knowing that it could be a great loss for herself and the company. He prohibits her from visiting Do Ha again. Cassandra finds Sol Hee upset about something and asks her to rest but Sol Hee insists to work.

Do Ha recalls a moment from the past. Kang Min witness a mother daughter duo fighting in Police Station and gets reminded of the first time he met Sol Hee. She gave witness against her own mother which created commotion and Kang Min saved her. His friend invites him to visit Sol Hee’s cafe but Kang Min refuses. Sol Hee is still thinking about it when Do Ha comes to the cafe. He tries explaining to her but finds her nervous. She asks him to say again that he didn’t kill anyone and he does. She again hears it as lie. Do Ha asks if she heard whatever he said as lie and she accepts. She pleads him to come up with any excuse as she’s confused but Do Ha says he’s worried that it would also turn a lie for her and leaves. Sol Hee is drinking alone in their regular place and Do Ha calls her. Sol Hee says she misses him peeling shrimps for her and asks him to explain through phone. Do Ha rightly gueses that she’s afraid to hear it in person as it would mean that he’s lying and rushes to her. She finds a couple fighting and interrupts it which irks the couple. As the man is about to go near Sol Hee, Do Ha covers her and glares the man. As the couple leaves, Do Ha takes Sol Hee with him. After dropping her at home, he leaves for his old apartment.

Do Ha’s mother is addressing a meeting and after the meeting ends, her superior asks her not to lose hope as she’s still trying to get her name on board. However she warns her to keep her son abroad to not create any mess . Do Ha’s mother immediately call Duek Chan and explain the situation to him. He too thinks that it’s right for Do Ha to go abroad for the time being. Eom Ho who followed them gets curious. Do Ha gets Syaon’s call and he meets her. Upon talking with her, he understands that she also thinks him to be a murderer. He asks her not to contact Sol Hee again nor visit Yeon Seo Dan as he no longer lives there. Cassandra and Cho Hoon tries to cheer up Sol Hee and asks her not to take up any client but Sol Hee wants to. Bo Ro brings freshly baked breads for both Sol Hee and Do Ha but she’s lost .

Sol Hee leaves for the hospital with Chi Hoon for a client. At the hospital, she finds Kang Min passing by and finds him entering a gastric cancer unit. Upon enquiry z he’s there for follow up and gets worried. She then attends to her client whose whole family is lying to him about his serious condition. As she shares it with him, he says that he already suspected it. However he says that he could feel the sincerity behind their lie as they don’t want him to be upset about his condition. Sol Hee recalls about Do Ha’s lie and starts clearing her mind. She meets with Kang Min who lies that he’s there to visit someone. He invites her for dinner which she accepts. Cho Rok and Oh Baek were revealed to be dating in the past and Oh Baek still has feelings for her. Sol Hee is called by Deuk Chan to his office where she’s asked to sign an NDA about Do Ha’s past. When asked where he’s now he lies to her that he’s preparing to go to Germany. Sol Hee agrees to sign only if he removes the compensation from the contract. Deuk Chan calls Do Ha to know where he is only to know that he’s in his original apartment. He scolds Do Ha upon reaching there and reveals to him about Eum Ho searching for him. Do Ha gets disheartened when Deuk Chan also identifies him as the murderer. He recalls the past when Eum Ho stabbed him. Eum Ho sends a false call to Do Ha’s mother to confirm that he’s actually Kim Do Ha.

Sol Hee goes on a date with Kang Min. She confronts him about his disease. Kang Min reveals it to be the reason for him breaking up with her. She says that he could have shared it with her when they were still together and cries feeling guilty about misunderstanding him. He asks about her power and she says she can hear lies but can’t hear the reason behind it. Sol Hee gets reminded of Do Ha’s lie. Kang Min asks for a chance to get back with Sol Hee but Sol Hee says that she has feelings for Do Ha. Kang Min asks her to date him but also says that he would keep waiting for her. Sol Hee comes to Do Ha’s apartment and calls him while Eom Ho is there in the pretext of security guard. Do Ha hears his voice and alerts Sol Hee saying that he’s the one who tried to kill him in the past. He asks her to leave and comes out but Sol Hee saves him from getting spotted by Eom Ho. They miss getting caught by a narrow gap. Do Ha wants to explain things to Sol Her but Sol Hee says that she trusts him without any explanation or even her power. Do Ha goes speechless.

Episode ends.