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The episode starts with Yadhu waking up at midnight. He goes to pick the photo album of his old family with Akanksha. He recalls their old times. He dreams of Akanksha collapsing in front of his eyes. He runs and hugs her and Manav comes there hearing his shout. Yadhu realizes that it’s his dream. Sakshi and Manav comforts him and Manav asks what’s he doing here.
He finds Yadhu searching someone and asks whom he was searching. Sakshi shows the album to him and Yadhu holds it saying that he won’t give it to him. Manav says he’s safe and asks him not to worry as he’s there to protect him. Yadhu says he wants to go to grandma’s house.
Akanksha wakes up at night and goes to washroom. She wears makeup to be presentable as sick person. She practices acting and Swati knocks the door. Akanksha pretends to be sick. Akanksha chews a tablet that could bring blood from her mouth. Swati shouts at her to open the door. Yadhu is adamant to go to his grandma’s house.
Manav tries making him understand but in vain. Yadhu keeps ranting that he needs to go to Grandma’s house. Manav asks him to say what happened that he’s adamant to go so late at night. Yadhu doesn’t answer but stays adamant. Manav says there’s no more argument and asks him to go and sleep. Akanksha comes out and goes back to sleep. Swati finds the blood stained towel and cries.
Malti says Manav that Yadhu didn’t calm down and so Sakshi took him to his Grandma’s house. Manav is frustrated with everyone’s act. Swati hears doorbell sound and Akanksha pretends to be asleep. She gets surprised seeing Sakshi and Yadhu at door. Swati understands her and says Yadhu would stay there for the night. Sakshi is about to refuse but Yadhu wants to stay. Sakshi agrees and leaves enquiring Akanksha’s health. She goes out to find Manav outside. Manav taunts her and is about to go and pick Yadhu but Sakshi stops him. He leaves with Sakshi. Akanksha hears as Yadhu and Swati cried in concern for Akanksha. She holds back her laughter.
Manav angrily comes home and goes inside. Sakshi comes to Manav and asks him to vent his anger instead of holding it inside. Manav doubts Yadhu having some pressure and it’s not about trauma. He suspects Akanksha’s hand behind it. Sakshi says Yadhu didn’t speak with anyone in hospital. Manav says that something is definitely wrong as Yadhu never behaved this way before and wonders if Yadhu went there to see Akanksha.
Akanksha is extremely happy for her plan working the right way and is sure that she would soon make a place in Manav’s House and heart. Yadhu and Swati discuss about Akanksha and Swati cries that Akanksha has very less time left with her. Yadhu suggests to share about Akanksha’s condition with Manav but Swati doesn’t want to spoil his happiness which he got after much effort.
 She says she’s there tk care for Akanksha. Akanksha watches it all smiling. Manav sends a voice message to Yadhu where he apologizes him and says about the party he and Sakshi kept for him the next day. Swati says she never saw his father so happy before and can’t ruin it because of Akanksha. She asks him to go.
Precap : Manav will ask Yadhu why would he wants Akanksha to be present there in the house despite all that happened. Yadhu will say that it’s him who told that she’s his mother after all and no matter what it doesn’t change. He will say that his mother will stay with him for sure. Sakshi will get teary hearing it.
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Kaamnaa 18th July 2022 Written Update: Yadhu’s behaviour confuses Manav and Sakshi.