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The episode starts Meera firmly saying to Isai that Yava and Preethi’s marriage will happen at any cost. Preethi’s sangeet function begins and both the families are called to the stage. Vijay and Isai interrupts and want to say few words about their friends Yuva and Meera. Isai says that Meera loves her dad and she wants to do her sister’s marriage grantly as it’s her dad’s wish. Vijay says that Yuva has helped him lot and he has come to this marriage to help in his turn. Vijay and Isai want to leave the stage, but the host asks them to dance along with Yuva’s family. They agree, but tells Meera and Preethi to give the first performance.

Preeti and Meera dance on the song En thendral vanthe katre. Then Vijay and Isai dance on the song Senthoora song. The host then calls Yuva’s parents. They dance on the song readya ready readya. After them, Gautam and Yamuna give their performance. Towards the end all join them and dance on the song Aaha kalyanam. Isai seraches Yamuna and asks Pushpa and Renuka about her, but Renuka taunts Yamuna. Pushba stops and tells Isai that Yamuna is other side talking with someone over phone.

Isai goes to Yamuna to tell Meera and Yuva love each other. Isai asks Yamuna if she will fulfill Yuva’s wish. Yamuna says that Yuva is like her brother and she will definitely fulfill his wish. Isai is about to tell the truth, but Preethi stops her. Preethi takes Isai from there on the pretext of taking photos with her. Isai wants to talk to Yamuna first, Yamuna tells Isai to go with Preethi. They can talk later.

Preethi takes Isai apart and tells that she knows she will try to tell the truth to Yamuna. Isai says that Yuva and Meera love each other. Preethi that she loved Yuva first and her love is true, so this marriage got fixed. Isai tries to explain Preethi that she’s doing wrong. Preethi tells that Isai can’t stop this marriage since Meera and Gautam support her love for Yuva. Isai scolds Preethi. She says that Preethi is selfish and doesn’t bother about her sister’s life. Isai says that she will definitely tell the truth to her parents. Meera comes there and reprimands Isai for talking to her sister like this and tells to leave this marriage. Isai says that she will leave this marriage, but Yuva’s marriage will only happen with Meera. She walks away leaving a shocked Meera behind.

Isai tells Vijay about what happened. Vijay says that they can’t change what is destined to happen. Isai isn’t convinced and wants to try to convince Meera for one last time. Pushpa and Vasuki talk about their plan to stop Yuva and Preethi’s marriage. Pushba asks how they will execute their plan. Vasuki says that his brother will execute this plan and praise him.

The episode ends.