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The episode starts with contestants playing filmy antics. Rohit explains that it’s partners week and all the stunt will be partner stunt. However the twist is this week doesn’t have fear funda but the best Jodi who tops their stunt will be given free access from elimination and it will be their advantage.
Rohit announces the three partners for the first. Abhinav and Anushka, Arjun and Rahul and Varun and Divyanka. Rohit explains the first stunt for the day. The first stunt is one contestant will be held upside down on a crane while another contestant will drive the stunt car. The car will have 15 flags attached to its front with a ball while 5 more flags is attacked at the back of the car. The contestant hanging upside down must collect the flags removing the balls while the other contestant must drive the car. The contestant who collects maximum number of flags before reaching the finish line will be declared the winner. Abhinav and Anushka performs first but they couldn’t collect any flags. Next Rahul and Arjun performs the stunt and collects 9 flags. Finally Varun and Divyanka performs the stunt and collects 19 flags becoming the winner of the stunt.
Rohit announces the next stunt for the remaining jodi, Shweta and Vishal and Nikki and Sana. Rohit explains the second stunt for the day. One contestant will be locked inside a coffin with snakes crawling on them. Another contestant must move a stick connected to a rod path. If the ring connected to the rod touches the rod the contestant will experience correct. The contestant must move the stick without hitting the rod and should reach the end point where the key is present. Current will pass through the key too but the contestant must remove the key and unlock the coffin to get the other contestant out. First Vishal and Shweta performs the stunt with Shweta lying in the coffin and Vishal moving the rod and getting the key. They both successfully complete the stunt. Next Nikki lies in the coffin while Sana moves the rod. However Sana couldn’t handle the current passing through her body and gives up aborting the stunt. Since the other pair aborted the stunt, Shweta and Vishal automatically becomes winner and joins Varun and Divyanka in competing for the best Jodi stunt.
Rohit announces the stunt for best Jodi and announces that it’s Hollywood type stunt. One contestant will be present in the chopper and a ladder will be hanging from the chopper with flags in it. The contestant must climb the ladder and collect the flags and when reaching the end of the k adder a red flag is present and the contestant must pull away the red flag. In the meantime the partner contestant will be connected to the chopper using a bungee. 5 locks will be attached on the contestant with 10 keys with them. The contestant must open the locks and should give signal. Once the signal is given, the chopper pulls the bungee and contestant flies high using the bungee. The stunt gets completed only when the bungee is pulled. The contestant who completes the stunt with minimal time will be declared the winner. First Vishal and Shweta performs the stunt and completes it in 11 minutes. Next Divyanka and Varun performs the stunt and completes it in 5min and 4sec emerging out as the winner. Vishal and Shweta becomes the best Jodi and gets free pass from all the stunts for the week while the other contestants proceed with their stunt.
Rohit changes the partners for the upcoming stunts and the partners are Vishal and Nikki, Abhinav and Rahul, Arjun and Shweta and finally Sana and Anushka. Rohit announces that it’s double elimination and the couple who loses in the end both will get eliminated from the show. Rohit announces the first stunt for the contestants Rahul and Abhinav and Shweta and Arjun. One contestant will be present inside the box and box starts drowning in the water. The other contestant will have the keys and should jump in water and unlock the three locks to get the first contestant out of the box. After coming out, both should swim and touch the mark to complete the stunt. The pair who completes with minimal time will emerge as winner while the other gets fear funda. First Rahul and Abhinav performs the stunt..
Episode ends..
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