KumKum Bhagya Spoilers, Upcoming Story, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on Justshowbiz.net

The Episode begins with Abhi saying in the court that he is innocent and he hasn’t done anything. The judge asks hjm whether he has anything to prove himself. The Lawyer asks him the same. Abhi points towards Gaurav and says that he is the one who is behind everything that is happening. Gaurav’s bribed lawyer saya that he is making up stories without any proofs. Aliya asks Gaurav to give the evidence so that she can save her brother.

Gaurav says that Pragya will save him and says that she might be bringing the evidence to prove his innocence. He says that she has nothing hence he will be either getting a life long imprisonment or hanged to death. He leaves from there. The judge says that they ate considering Abhi as the culprit and he us about to give his judgement when Pragya comes there and says that her husband is innocent. Aliya saying that she will get the proofs from Gaurav leaves from there. Pragya apologies for being late. The defense lawyer asks her to not to try to manipulate the court and waste their time instead of saying the real thing. Pragya gets unto it and says that she has someone to prove her words and calls the person who is the contractor’s brother.

The judge gives him the permission to say his words. The man says that his brother has taken money from Gaurav whike Abhi has asked them not to break the wall,they did for the money. He says that he heard them talking. The lawyer says that he is making up stories. Pragya gives Judge the evidende. The contractor tries to run away but police catches him. The judhe gives the judgement in favour of Abhi and against Gaurav and thr contractor. Abhi happily hugs Pragya after the hearing. They thank him. He says that he is glad to have saved few nore lives.

Ranbir is in the kitchen confused about how to make the kadha. Pallavi comes there and asks hjm what he is doing. He tells her that Prachi is sick. He says that he doesn’t know to make the kadha and she makes kadha for her. Ranbir thanks her to which she says that she loves him but she still doesn’t like Prachi and doing it for him. Rhea comes there after she leaves and tries to manipulate him and provoke him against them by saying him about the room thing but he tells her that she is crossing her limits. He says that he will always trust Prachi over her when she says that hr never trusted her. Rhea says that he is her true love and she will do anything for her true love. He looks at her shocked.

Gaurav is happily enjoying his drink when he gets a call from his father. He happily tells him that he won over Pragya. His father says that he is talking without listening to which Gaurav says he is excited and asks to see where Pragya is and where he is now. The Screen Freezes On Gaurav.