KumKum Bhagya Spoilers, Upcoming Story, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on justshowbiz.net

Zee TV popular show Kumkum Bhagya serial is witnessing some major turning points these days in their story.

As reported earlier Pragya recognized the Killer and asked Abhi to ran with her to parking place saying its race then she tried to look for the driver but he was nowhere to be found than she hid Abhi in a car’s trunk and distracted Killer towards her. Abhi came out of his hiding place after noticing Pragya getting strangled by killer and he hit Killer with a bat. Killer overpowered Abhi and hurt him which made him unconscious. Killer fled away once crowd started gathering near Parking. Pragya informed everything to Aliya and she asked Pragya to bring Abhi to home.

Aliya and Tanu scolded Gayatri for taking Abhi outside. Gayatri told them that somebody was trying to kill Abhi. Aliya unveiled Pragya face and blamed her for Abhi’s miseries. Doctor informed his nurse that Abhi’s chances of recovery had increased because of the shock. Tanu and Aliya asked Pragya to leave from home but Pragya denied to leave. Daadi came to support Pragya but Aliya and Tanu threw Pragya out of the house. Pragya reached home. Saritha behen felt worried seeing Pragya’s state and asked her what happened. Pragya explained everything to her.

In the upcoming episode, viewers are going to witness that Saritha will try to console Pragya but she will go to Maata Rani’s idol and perform Aarti saying, “first time in my life I am asking you something so you have to give it to me, return my husband to me by curing his health or Kill me”. On other side Abhi will get flashes and he will wakes up shouting Pragya’s name.

Will Abhi regain his memory? How will Abhi react if Gayatri is nowhere around him?

All these questions will be answered in the upcoming episodes.

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