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The episode starts with Trinavart threatening to kill Krishna. He says that he will throw him down from the sky. Krishna hears Yashodha and Radha’s voice. He complaints to Trinavart that his mom and friend are searching for him. He has to leave. Trinavart isn’t listening to him. He is teasing Krishna. Krishna gives a warning to him. He takes it lightly. Krishna asks him to stop it. He holds his hand tighter. Trinavart feels like he is loosing his power. He couldn’t use his strength to control Krishna. He asks him what happened to him? He couldn’t fly high? How is this possible? It seems like some power is controlling him. He thought to take Krishna to high and throw him down. Everything going reverse here. Krishna says to him that he shouldn’t have troubled him. Because of him, yashodha and Gokul people are worrying about him. He has to pay for his deeds. They are searching for him. Krishna placed his feet on his chest. He shouts in pain. Trinavart falls down. Krishna plays the flute. Yasodha says that it’s Krishna’s flute sound.

Everyone rushed to check the sound. Yasodha feels happy to see Krishna back. They are surprised to see him standing on Trinavart body. Nandan feels proud of him. Yashodha asks him where were he? They were searching for him. Balram asks Krishna, how did he escaped from this demon. Krishna says that he was lost in his music. He abducted him at that time. When he heard their voice. He came back to his sense. He warned him to send him back to his mom. He didn’t listened to him. He prayed to the god so he helped him. He managed the situation there. Yashoda gets suspicious. She asks her husband to reveal the truth to her. Who is Krishna? How could a small child can beat this demon? He can’t do this all at this age. He has to answer her. She takes them from there. Radha thinks that she is also suspecting it.

Meanwhile, Lakshmi asks Narayan to share the reason for his death. Narayan says that he is powerful but he knew to control it. He shouldn’t show his power to the innocent people. He misused his power to show his strength. His sins are increasing. He may thinking that his sins taking him to high but the justice will throw him down one day. It’s his duty to destroy the evils for justice. Kamsan learns from his soldier that Trinavart died in Krishna’s hand. He thinks how is this possible? A small child killed a monster. He can’t believe it. The soldiers asks him to stop messing with Krishna. He already killed Purana and another monster. He didn’t even spared Trinavart life. He advises him to apologise to Vasudev to sort out this issue. Kamsan warns him to be in his limit. He demands him to keep a close watch on Krishna and update his moves. Later, Yashodha demands her husband to reveal the truth about Krishna. She asks Krishna to reveal his identity. An ordinary child can’t do this magic at this age. He is destroying the demons at this small age. She says to them that she won’t give food to them till they confess the truth. Nandan tried to convince her. Krishna eats the sand. Balram informs her mom about it. She asks him to open his mouth. She is surprised to see the galaxy, cosmos in his mouth. She sees Narayan’s avathar too. Lakshmi says that Narayan shows his creation to her without uttering a word. She informs Nandan about it.

Episode end

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