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The episode starts with Suyesh making Aryaman touch Brij Bhushan’s hand saying Brij Bhushan will regain consciousness once he touches Brij Bhushan’s hand. Brij Bhushan regains consciousness and calls for Suyesh. Brij Bhushan talks with Suyesh and ignores Aryaman. Aryaman leaves from there. Aryaman is about to hit the glass in anger but Ujwala stops Aryaman and says Brij Bhushan might not have accepted him but they know the truth that Brij Bhushan has regained consciousness because he touched his hand and comments on it. Suyesh goes to get clothes for Brij Bhushan.
Aryaman says to Ujwala that he is going to make a place in Brij Bhushan’s heart by catching the person who tried to kill Brij Bhushan. Aryaman vows to catch the person who is responsible for Brij Bhushan’s condition.
Janvi makes noise and wakes up all the people in her neighbourhood. Pushkar comes and asks Janvi why is she creating nuisance in the middle of the night. Janvi puts sweet in Pushkar’s mouth and reveals to Pushkar that Kian achieved a great thing that none of their family members nor a person of this neighbourhood has done it till now. Janvi says Kian got admitted to Bundela international school and cricket academy. Janvi says Kian Joshi is going to make their name Joshi famous. Pushkar spits out the sweet. Pushkar asks all the people to leave from here. Pushkar says to Kian that Janvi is not a Joshi and if she wants to attach a name then she can attach the name of the father of Kian. Janvi says the name of the father of Kian is Janvi Joshi and comments on it. Pushkar gets furious with Janvi’s words and calls them inauspicious. Pushkar also reminds Janvi that he lost his mother due to Janvi and Kian. Pushkar comments on Janvi and leaves from there.
Janvi returns home and sees water on the floor. Janvi outs Kian on bed and stops the water.
Dadi comes and comforts Janvi saying her mother knows the complete truth about Kian that Kian is not her son but her sister’s Anushka’s son.
It is shown Janvi’s sister Anushka got pregnant without getting married and she came to Janvi. Janvi took care of Anushka the whole time while she was pregnant. Janvi says Kian is her son.
Dadi asks Janvi why did she ask her to not tell the whole truth to Pushkar. Dadi says if she married someone else then she will have a companion. Janvi says no man is worthy of trust and comments on Pushkar.
Episode ends.