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Adit says to Mangal that he hasn’t told anything to Kusum and says what happened in between them will stay in between them. Sowmya overhears their conversation. Sowmya worries about her dream coming true and thinks they got intimate with each other.

Mangal feels guilty as she drank alcohol and says to Adit about it. Adit asks Mangal not to think too much about it and says everybody drinks alcohol nowadays. Mangal comments on it.

Adit finds Mangal’s saree in his luggage. Adit decides to give it to Mangal. Sowmya questions Adit what is Mangal’s saree doing in his luggage. Adit comments on Sowmya as she is pestering him about Mangal. Adit says to Sowmya that laundry people might have kept their clothes together as they were staying in the same room. Sowmya asks Adit why were they staying in the same room. Adit says because they were forced by circumstances. Sowmya comments on it. Adit clarifies to Sowmya and says to Sowmya that nothing happened in between him and Mangal and she can believe him if she wants it or not. Adit leaves from there. Adit decides to teach a lesson to Mangal.

Mangal thinks if Kusum doesn’t know about her drinking alcohol then why is she upset with her. Mangal later looks at the apron gifted to her and on it written Chef Mangal. Mangal thinks about it.

Sowmya comes to Mangal and comments on Mangal. Sowmya asks Mangal if she is happy thinking she had a chance to get together with Adit. Sowmya clarifies to Mangal that they shared the room together in Sri Lanka due to Kusum and Isha. Sowmya says Kusum is the one who planned all of this and Isha executed it. Sowmya clarifies to Mangal that Adit hates her. Mangal argues with Sowmya and says to Sowmya that she doesn’t need to be afraid of him and says she and Adit will never get together. Mangal says she will talk to Kusum and leaves from there.

Kusum is shown to be cooking food. Mangal comes to Kusum and says to Kusum that she knows what she is hiding. Kusum thinks Shanti told the truth to Mangal. Mangal says to Kusum that she knows she did all of this because she cares for her. Mangal clarifies to Kusum that she and Adit can never get together and says she shouldn’t have booked a room for them together. Kusum later leaves from there. Mangal takes over the cooking.

Kusum comes out of the kitchen and has tears in her eyes thinking about what Mangal said to her. Kusum is shown to be not feeling well.

Adit spots Kusum and asks Kusum why is she crying. Kusum stays silent. Adit asks Sowmya if she said anything to Kusum that will hurt her. Sowmya says to Adit that Kusum was coming from the kitchen and says Mangal should have told Kusum something that will hurt her.

Adit hearing goes to Mangal and asks Mangal what did she say to Kusum that she was crying. Mangal says she hasn’t said anything to Kusum. Adit comments on Mangal. Mangal goes to talk to Kusum.

Mangal comes to Kusum to talk to her but she finds Kusum sleeping. Mangal puts a blanket over Kusum and leaves from there.

Mangal sees Kusum has woken up and asks Kusum if her health is alright as she went to sleep suddenly. Mangal asks Kusum if she is hurt with what she said. Kusum leaves from there.

Kusum comes and gifts a saree to Mangal. Kusum says to Mangal that tomorrow is Makar Sankranti and says Shanti and Lipika are also going to come tomorrow. Kusum asks Mangal to make all the arrangements. Mangal agrees. Mangal feels Kusum is having mood swings.

Jia while sitting in the car recalls what happened and thinks if Lakshmi is really haunted by Gayatri of not.

Jia is shown to be stuck in a traffic jam. Raghuveer talks to a police officer about Gayatri’s death. The police officer says they found a dead body under the cliff and says the dead body is in the hospital morgue and asks Raghuveer to send the family members to identify the dead body. Raghuveer agrees. Jia overhears their conversation. Jia decides to go to the morgue and check Gayatri’s body herself.

Sanjana finds kites and markers in the car trunk and she asks Umesh about it. Umesh says the driver might have bought it for his kids and kept it in the car. Sanjana hearing it closes the car trunk.

Jia comes to the morgue to check Gayatri’s dead body. Jia gets shocked seeing Gayatri’s dead body. The lights suddenly go off and the lights turn on. Jia gets shocked seeing Gayatri saying that she will not leave her. Jia asks Gayatri to leave her. Gayatri asks Jia to confess her crime and get Karthik out of jail only then will her soul rest in peace. Jia says she will do it. Gaaytri steps on a nail and injures her leg. Jia sees Gayatri distracted and she runs away from the morgue.

Lakshmi is shown to be in the disguise of the security guard. Lakshmi asks Gayatri what happened to her leg. Raghuveer comes and asks Gayatri if Gayatri confessed to her crime. Gayatri apologises to Raghuveer and says to Raghuveer that Jia was about to confess her crime but she got injured and Jia took the chance to escape from here. Raghuveer hearing it reprimands Gayatri as she lost such a good chance to make Jia confess her crime.

It is shown Gayatri, Lakshmi and Raghuveer plan to scare Jia to make her confess her crime. Raghuveer puts a tracker in Jia’s watch when she drops her watch at the cliff.

Sanjana talks Jia’s mother about Gayatri’s soul haunting Lakshmi. Jia’s mother learns Jia is going to take back her case against Karthik. Jia’s mother goes to stop her.

Raghuveer gives the good news to Lakshmi and Gayatri and Jia going to the lawyer’s office to take back her complaint against Karthik. Raghuveer says he bought the tea vendor that goes to Mittal the lawyer’s office.

Raghuveer and Lakshmi see in the video that is installed by the tea vendor that Jia’s mother is stopping Jia from taking back the police complaint. Jia’s mother calls Sanjana and asks Sanjana to figure out a way to get rid of Gayatri’s soul. Raghuveer and Lakshmi think who is Jia’s mother talking to over the phone.

Episode ends.

Precap:- Sanjana lays a trap for Lakshmi.

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