Meet Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on
The episode starts with Neelam telling Barfi that Meet learned she stole the money. Barfi gets shocked hearing that and asks Neelam why did the latter steal money? Neelam says if Meet reveals it to Meet Ahlawat then he will start disliking her. Barfi thinks how to stop Meet from telling the truth to Meet Ahlawat. She sees Tej is coming downstairs very carefully and he is feeling pain due to the fracture. Barfi spreads some marbles on floor to make him fall down. He falls down and screams. Everyone gets worried for him and goes to give him support. Barfi acts like she is also worried. They take Tej to room. Tej says it seems like someone is hitting his leg with hammer. The pain is unbearable. Barfi tells Meet to bring the painkiller from Neelam’s room. Barfi signals Neelam.
Meet takes the painkiller from the drawer and Neelam locks her in room. Neelam says now Meet can never tell her truth to anyone. She lies to everyone that Meet left the house. Barfi says Meet is irresponsible and thus she ran away without informing anyone. She sends Neelam to Meet Ahlawat to take care of him. Meet knocks on the door and wonders how it’s locked. She tries to find the key and then assumes it might be outside attached to the door. She pushes a book outside through the space of the door. She tries to open the lock with a clip and Barfi plays Bhajan so that noone hears her voice seeking for help.
Neelam asks her for how long Meet and Meet Ahlawat will be inside room? Barfi says when the 48 hours will be over Meet won’t be able to accuse Neelam. So till then she will be locked inside. She goes to provoke Raj that Meet disappeared in order to avoid getting caught. She is the thief and Raj should punish her. Raj says he believes in his bahubeta and she will prove her innocence. Barfi says she can’t do that. During Visarjan Meet finally gets the key which falls on the book and she pulls it inside. She opens the door with the key and comes out. She suspects Neelam that the latter only locked her inside and her expressions are clearly suspicious. Raj asks her to join the Puja and Barfi gets tensed. Meet decides to wait for the Visarjan to get over then she will expose Neelam.
Ahlawats enjoy the moment during Visarjan and Barfi gets a call from the hospital, she goes there to sign on some papers for Deep’s death. She tells Neelam to handle the situation. Meet tells Meet Ahlawat to hold the idol as he too welcomed Ganpati Bappa. Everyone gets busy in the Visarjan. Meet questions Neelam why she stole the money. She thought Neelam is a poor girl and she wanted to divorce her husband for her. Neelam says she can’t tolerate Meet and Meet Ahlawat’s closeness anymore. Meet cant hold a picture perfect image always. She became great by signing the divorce papers but still got 6 months time to spend with Meet Ahlawat. The way she talks to him it shows how much she loves him and wants to get him back.
Neelam adds she can see their strong bond and she just can’t stand Meet in the house anymore. She can’t share her husband with her. Meet says she thought Neelam is suffering for no reason but she is selfish in real who wants to trap Meet. Neelam says she is the reason why the family got separated, if she leaves everything will be better. Meet shuts her up saying it’s called love and respect which she can’t understand. She says she will expose Neelam’s act to everyone in the family. Neelam stops her but the latter warns her not to touch her again. Meet goes towards Ahlawats.
Episode ends
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