Meet Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on
The episode starts with Meet Ahlawat telling Meet not to go to maternal home leaving him alone. She will miss his humour and she should be happy all the time during pregnancy. She teases him saying he has Tanya then why will he miss her? Meet Ahlawat says he only wants Meet. Meet replies she won’t get bored as Anubha and Dadi will entertain her. He gives her a cheetah saying this will remind her that her husband is missing her. He says but what about the photoshoot. She says when the set up will be done she will come for the photoshoot.
Ahlawats prepare to say good bye to Meet and Masoom gets irked seeing their happiness. Tanya arrives and says she has to discuss more about photoshoot with Meet Ahlawat. She takes him aside and talks to him. Meet eats curd and sugar and Tej Hosiyar further warn her to not leave Meet Ahlawat alone as Tanya is there to attract him. Meet can see how they both are talking to each other and Tanya was Meet Ahlawat’s crush too. Meet says she trusts her husband and he is not like other men. She leaves with Babita. Anubha welcomes Meet at home and hugs her. She welcomes Babita and the latter apologises to them for not understanding their emotions earlier. But she admits they will take proper care of Meet. She tells Anubha to feed Meet properly as she is careless about that.
Meet Ahlawat talks to Tanya about their college days and she says he has transformed his body quite well. She appreciates that. He says then he must have done something really good. Hosiyar and Tej keep eyes on them in disguise of a gardener and house help. Tanya leaves and Meet Ahlawat catches them. Tej asks him why he was looking so involved while talking to Tanya. Meet trusts him and he should not break that. Hosiyar says a girl and a boy can never be friends. Meet Ahlawat says nothing like that, he was just trying to divert his mind by talking to Tanya as he is missing Meet a lot. But they again remind him of her so he is now missing her more. Tej advises him to visit Meet’s maternal home and the latter gets an idea.
Meet notices the mixer is not working and she asks Anubha about it. She tries to fix it but Anubha tells her to knit sweater and socks for the baby. Meet says it’s not her cup of tea and then she fixes the mixer. She plays game with Dadi and Meet Ahlawat rings the doorbell and Meet opens it. He tries to get close to her in disguise of a milk supplier. She is about to hit him but he reveals he is her husband and came here as he couldn’t stay without her for even two days. He asks her to go on a date. She refuses and teases him saying he has Tanya. He says her spies Tej and Hosiyar are not letting him do anything. So before it’s too late Meet should agree to go on a date with him. Meet laughs hearing him.
Episode ends