The episode starts with Keerti runs out of the room and sees Raghav who asks her what happened why she is scared this much. Keerti tells Raghav that Pallavi trapped her and made her confess everything about the accident also recorded it in a pen camera. She then tells that she is so scared of the consequences also asks to do something to stop Pallavi from going to the police. Raghav hugs Keerti and tells her that he wont let anything happen to her. Pallavi thanks Farhad also apologises to him for shouting but Farhad tells it’s all part of their plan only but now he is worried about Raghav because he will do anything to save Keerti. Pallavi tells she has proof so she will make sure Keerti gets punished.
Milind comes to the house Amruta asks him to have food also says that Vijay is so angry that’s why he slapped and asks him not to think about that but Sulochana instigates Milind against Vijay. Milind tells because of Vijay’s this behavior Only Mandar was also not close with him but he wont keep his mouth shut anymore he is going to teach a lesson for Vijay. Sulochana gets happy thinking finally both Vijay and Milind is going to get separated forever.
Pallavi tells Krishna its Keerti behind Mandar’s death. Krishna gets shocked then asks when she is going to tell this to the Deshmukh’s also tells she will accompany her when she does it. Pallavi thanks Krishna then she hears someone is knocking so she opens the door and gets shocked seeing very drunken Raghav. Pallavi helps him to stay stable.
Raghav apologizes to Pallavi for everything even for her future Pallavi gets confused. Then.she tells that she understands about his pain and Keerti is so lucky to have a brother like him then tells but she is also in a state where she has to do all this then looks at the pen camera puts under the pillow and goes to sleep.
In the morning Jaya sees Pallavi is talking to the police so asks what happened to which Pallavi tells they are here to arrest the person who killed Mandar. Raghav comes there and tells it’s an accident also the case was closed. Pallavi tells that’s in the past but now she has a proof of the person who driven that car that night and takes Keerti’s name.
Jaya gets shocked, Raghav and Pallavi helps her sit. Pallavi tells Jaya whatever she is saying now is truth and tells that she has a proof to and that night Keerti was in Hyderabad not in Guntoor. Then she takes the pen camera out then gets shocked seeing pen alone and searches her whole bag but finds nothing then she recalls Farhad’s words and looks at Raghav who thinks how he replaced the camera with normal pen after Pallavi falls asleep.
Raghav asks the officers to leave the house saying it’s their family matter and they will handle it. Jaya gets angry and tells Pallavi how could she put a blame on Keerti for killing someone and tells that she will never forgive her for this. Keerti takes Jaya inside the room..Pallavi asks Raghav he is the one who did this right. Raghav tells yes also says that he Learnt the family values from her only.
Pallavintells he may Learnt the family values from her but he fails to do what is right and wrong and tells that she went against her family to be with him because he is right. Raghav tells after so long he is reunited with his family and he dont want anything bad happens to his family.
Pallavi cries and asks Raghav who is she to him. Then she tells that she had so many dreams about the marriage like other girls but everything has been snatched from her also the world taunt her so much atleast other people who faced the same situation knows the reason but they all are in the dark till now and here he is saving Keerti. Raghav tells that he will choose Keerti only if she stays stubborn.
Jaya thinks about Pallavi’s words and asks Keerti whatever Pallavi told is true or not. Keerti who tries to instigate Jaya against Pallavi gets shocked. Jaya then asks Raghav to help Pallavi then sees Keerti who gets shocked hearing Jaya’s words and leaves the place. Raghav also gets shocked.
Precap: Pallavi tells Keerti that she was her best friend but now when she wants to made sure the criminal gets punished do she looks like a enemy also tells that she has to be ashamed for hiding all this if she is a good person then she should have went to station to surrender. Keerti tells that she dont have to do this all then says Raghav is with her. Sunny comes and asks Pallavi why she is jealous of Raghav and Keerti. Keerti throws the salad plate away from Pallavi. Pallavi goes to meet Raghav and asks him what happened. Raghav tells everything to Pallavi.