Mera Balam Thanedaar Spoilers, Upcoming Story, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on

The episode begins in Rajasthan. A man in his middle age talking with his wife photo. His son says to him that Geetha saved our mom’s life. We promised to take her daughter into this family as our daughter-in-law. He nodded to him. Geetha’s family shown. Her husband lashes out at his wife. He asks the painter to clean the paint asap. He notices that his bike is missing. He asks his wife if Bulbul took his bike? She has to return home within one hour. Geetha calls Bulbul. She assures her to return home asap. Veer’s father called his name. His sister says that he already left. His brother teases that his house and in laws house are same. Meanwhile, Veer reached to his police station. He scolds the broker for tried to sold the underaged girl by creating fake age certificate. He says that he don’t like anyone whoever lying. He hates the people lying. He asks Ashok to find them asap.

A shop owner is watching the news. Bulbul comes there. He misunderstood that she is a police. Meanwhile, Veer comes there disguised like a Rajasthani. He notices Ratan giving signal. He bargain with him. The goon notices Bulbul is arguing with the shop owner. Bulbul says that he is buying pickle from them last one year. But he isn’t paying money to them. Meanwhile, Ratan takes Veer to his place. He is shocked to see many girls are there. Every girls are in their sixteen. Veer recalls some incidents and fist his hand. Veer asks Rata about their certificate. Ratan shows those fake and original birth certificate of girls. One of the goon informed him that police is there. Ratan pushes him and runs away. Veer followed him behind. The shop owner assures Bulbul to return Geetha’s money. He asks her to caught the goons instead of innocent people like him.

Veer is chasing Ratan. The shop owner gives 20 thousand people to Bulbul and says that he paid the money. Bulbul is happy. She says that she would have accepted the money if he paid it one month before. He has to pay the interest for it. He paid extra 6 thousand to her. Bulbul warns him not to repeat this mistake. Veer asks Ashok to caught Ratan. Bulbul is dancing with the money. Veer comes there and asks Bulbul to caught that criminal. He asks her to shoot him. She throws the gun on him. Veer glares at him. Ratan burnt the certificate. Veer caught Ratan. He asks the constable about Bulbul. He says that she ruined his plan. The constable says that she is from another police station. He will find out who is that lady? Meanwhile, Bulbul leaves from there. He says that he will definitely find her.

Bulbul informs her mom that she finished her important work today. Veer caught Bulbul. He asks her who she is? Which station and tell her rank. He finds out that she is a lier. He scolds her for wedding uniform without hardwork. She puts hands cuff on his hand. Veer says that she is a number one lier. Bulbul says that her mom said to her it’s not wrong to lie for good things. Veer informed his father about it. Meanwhile, Bulbul returned to home. Her father scolds her for being careless. Bulbul thinks that she can’t reveal the truth to dad that mom selling pickles without his knowledge. He locked her inside the room. Later, Geetha gives a sweets to Bulbul. She returned her jewels to her. She says that she brought the money from the shop owner. Geetha says that she was wearing the broken slippers. Bulbul says that it will also come. Drishti comes there. She asks mom why she is not revealing the truth to dad. She is doing everything to save his reputation. Geetha says that she can’t do it. Veer called her at that time. Veer said to her that he is going to meet her. He has a surprise for her. Drishti got an admission in her London University. She thinks that she dreamt of this. Veer’s family is getting ready to do the engagement with Drishti.

Bulbul is praying for Drishti. Bulbil’s father says to Geetha that Bulbul got an alliance. He will send his daughter to their in laws house. Veer hugs Bulbul from behind. He kneel down in front of her. Geetha says that Bulbul isn’t ready for wedding. This certificate is fake. It’s showing she is 19 years old but she is 17years old. Veer asks Bulbul to marry him mistakes her as Drishti.

Episode end

Veer inserts the engagement ring to Bulbul